Tuesday, April 21, 2009


amadeus, amadeus!

so....i've got it stuck. hehe! we'll live.

anyways.....i need to find a date for the dance that's a month away...well, less than that. see, here's the problemos:
~it's a girl's choice dance
~there's nobody that i really like...
~i just got dumped, so the guy i was going to go with.....might not work.. :S

~i hate asking guys out...especially to big things like this where idk if they've already been asked.

~i hate looking stupid if they've already been asked.
~i've already had to do it once before....luckily he wasn't already going.
~i don't know who really likes me...and i don't want it to be awkward....ick.

so....if you get my delema...
and my first date I had to ask HIM out anyway. not cool. it's not really a confidence booster (or self-esteem booster) if i'm the one that has to ask the guy out every time. it kinda bums a girl out. WHAT DOES THAT SAY??? nobody likes you...at least not like that. or they're scared of you..... or i'm one of the guys.... it's a real bummer. he's gotta be cute. but not a jerk. and taller than me...well, about my height is ok. it's weird when i'm a heck of a lot taller than him..... :'(

so, in conclusion...

rock me amadeus.... (and don't cry for me marge & tina) ;D

cute saying:
love is friendship on fire.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

heartbreakers <3

hi guys!!

so i've been a little down....ok, a lot down.

anywho, i'm feeling better and i've decided that's what i want. i really don't like feeling all depressed. (it's really not all it's cracked up to be... ;} )

see, i was a tad...low.... cuz, well... me been dumped. me no likie it either, but imma let him figgur it oot. :D me thinking it be a good plan. yup yup yup...

(he broke up with me on saturday...so easter weekend sucked.)

however, my awesomeness buddy gived me some candy....one was heartbreakers (the heart-shaped version of gobstoppers) --they is to "heal the broken heart" XD she rocks!!! xoxoxo

i love typing like lil kiddy talkings.... it's lotsa fun. hehe!!

well, til later.... lovs ya'll <3

Monday, April 13, 2009

stupid boys

so this is lame.......

life is depressing.....

boys suck....


now what? ......

:'( *cry*

oh...here's a better pic of the kitty...

Friday, April 10, 2009

ARGH! >:(

I'm really bored...

right now I'm waiting for somebody to get oot of the friggin shower so we can go ...ehm..(jarom). i've decided that I'm going to go get some layers (muh hur) and jarom wants to get the cover to his game that he bought, but somebody had walked off with the cover just before he bought it...stupid person. don't they know they don't actually keep the games inside the cases while they's on the shelf?!?! now he gets to go back and pick one up.

but se la vi... whatever. people are kinda dumb.

and then there's the bf...he works ALL THE TIME!!! so there is no US TIME! lame!!! grrr...
he's a friggin work-a-holic... again i say, LAME!!!

ohh..and when he's not working, i am. or we're at work, so I can't touch him...grrr.. >:(

stupid boyses.... raise your hands if you agree...

Monday, April 6, 2009


i'm sooo bored. :'(

today in muh loverly dental class we learned how to place rubber dams. fun. i ended up helping a few people. they're really not that hard...on a mannequin. :)

i've got to come up with a pre-season exercise routine, or something for sports med. yay...!

and then there's writing 1010! yet another essay to critique. whoo! (more like blah. not to mention that it's about global warming. we have to get "really deep into the subject." it's boring... :'( i don't like how the stupid guy that wrote it uses fallacies left and right. and this paper is, like, 10 years old! he says that everyone flies and everyone has a huge SUV. grrr...stupid people. (person...whatev).

and an even LOVERLYER QUOTE!
"i was the neighbor's imaginary friend." emo phillips :D