Sunday, December 15, 2013


So after seeing the Urgent care and orthopedic surgeon and MRI.  We went from thinking my meniscus was torn to finding out that it's actually the cartilage on the back of my kneecap that is torn.

With how it's catching and hurts to straighten and walk on, the doctor recommends surgery.
Surgery is set for next week, so I have to finish getting all the stuff together to get the time off from work.
Not excited. I'll just be happy to have it over with and be able to walk again.

Looks like Christmas and the new year will probably be spent at home.

Also, for some reason my internet is acting up. My router seems to be having issues with wireless. I already talked to them the other day telling them it's slow but they say that it's fine. Ugh. Since then my computer doesn't automatically connect to to the internet (even though it's set up to).

The area we live in doesn't seem to like the cell service and so we have to connect to wifi calling. With the wifi acting up, about 5-10 mins after talking the person I'm talking to will start having trouble hearing me. It will either entirely cut me out or get really spotty but I can still hear them just fine.

We might have to either change phone companies, get a new router or change internet company.

ARrrrrggghhh! This is really aggravating.  >:[