Saturday, March 24, 2007

Hello World!!

Yeah me!! I've now got my very own web page!! Isn't that sooo special (don't say ed.) Blast, now to come up with things to talk about. But hey, i'm in high school. I'm pretty sure I can come up with some stuff.
The thing is, not writing things down that people (aka friends & family) can use against me!! :D
*Sorry if this is really boring!

By the way, I've decided that I should do some shout-outs to the world. . my own little blogs! But I didn't really want it to look like I'm trying to sell myself or something. In my opinion, that's what myspace looks like. It's not that i don't like MS, I have some friends that have accounts on there.

If you were wondering about the name. It's cuz I've decided that I've got a special kind of hair color. It's gingerbread colored! My hair color is one of those that is like a mix of everything. It's got blonde, brunette, and red (would that be auburn?). Most people I know like to keep it simple, and just call me a redhead!
Also, I like ginger (as a dessert, fryed ginger is nasty!!!), gingerbread houses are pretty (& they taste pretty good too. as long as they don't break your teeth!), and ginger snaps are one of my favs! (gingergirl.blogger or whatever it is was already taken :()

I think that my main inspirations would be my aunt (who also has a blog here. . she's located over at the ranting closet, just to let you know), the rest of my family and a few of my friends.

Let's get off the boring stuff. Ok? Maybe I'll take Becky's advice (from her page) and come up with 101 things about me! But that will probably take a few days to come up with.

Yesterday was a fairly boring day for me. I didn't have school, and I hoped that it would be fun & exciting. But no. . I spent the whole freakin' day waiting for people to call me back. One was the "boss-man-sir". He never called me back, though. I had to call him. Basically, if you read between the lines. . i don't have a job anymore. All well, I only worked on the weekends and it's a 1/2 hour drive to get there. So I'm not that sad. They were always trying to cut down my hours too.
The other person i was waiting for was a friend of mine. She was getting info and her uniform stuff for work (she just got a job at Subway, Ishe's starting tomorrow), and we were going to do something either later that day, or today. We ended up seeing Stomp the Yard, it was pretty good.

On Friday, I got my food handler's permit. That, I swear, is the easiest test I'll ever have taken!
I got it because my above mentioned friend had to get her's for work, and she can't go ANYWHERE alone. So i decided that I'd go with her. There was this funny guy that ended up sitting next to us. He was asking me questions the whole time (like what virus the instructor was just talking about). After the test, he said that he was so glad that he'd studied for that. . he'd stayed up all night worrying about it. LOL.
While my friend and I were waiting for a ride back home (neither of us has her license yet. I should have mine, but there are a few complications) we had fun taking pix with her cell and reading some of her old text messages from a guy that she's completely obsessing over.

Today I went to a family member's wedding. She's my dad's cousin in a round-about way. I think that it's funny that her new hubby asked her out over text messaging for their first date(He was too scared to ask her out to her face!) The wedding was nice. Their color was purple. Her bouque was pretty, with a mesh of purple, pink, green, and white vegitation. The ceremony was short, but sweet! She looked really pretty in her dress. . . . not like a snow-beast (like on My Big, Fat, Greek Wedding. . which is a show I haven't seen in a while. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow.) it had just enough whiteness to it, and not overpowering. I supose that some people like it like that, but I'm not really into the cream-puff look myself (no offense if you are).

I've been trying to find a cord for my camera, so I can hook it up to my computer, but I can't find it. I wanted to see how the lighting in this room would look. Last time I tried using it, the computer was in a different room with not as much lighting. They all turned out really dark, it was sad.

Well, I hope that you enjoyed my blabbering and nonsensical wit (j/k) for today!! Tune in next time for more of Mego! (That's what my friends call me)

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