Sunday, May 24, 2009

At Work

Hmmm.... what to talk about today??

Guys are silly.

I was at work, and talking to Tyson (my manager) and Steven (one of my security guard buddies) and some techno muzac came on and they started dancing around to it...pretty funny stuff!

Anyway, so the music stopped for some reason and Tyson and Steven turn and look over to the DJ booth and asked what happened....they were "trying to rave over here." LOL...

Silly boys. I also got to talk to Yehokhan. Haven't seen him in about a month... He said he's probably moving to NY this summer. I guess he's moving back so he can see his family?? (He's from NY and his fiance is from the windy city...)

I took my skates off to go home and Tyson and Corbin came over to the counter. They told me I lose a lot of height when I take the skates off. Then Corbin calls me a midget! I was like, "you guys are mean!" Corbin says "speak when spoken to, midget!" and Tyson says "i would never tell you that."

Ok...... :D They's silly.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

),: senior blues :'(

OMG!!! so senior ball sucked... :'(
it was fun until right after dinner.
my dress fit all wonky....not wearing that dress anymore....unless i decide to lose a few pounds...
sarah complianed about how much she was disliking her date...and we tried to follow them up to the dance...but her date, like, deliberately tried to lose us! he kept pulling in front of these big trucks. GRRRR!!!!
so after a little bit of trying to find them, we realized he had taken us out to MURRAY!!! (friggin idiot!) so we decided we'd stop trying to keep up with them.
we finally got there...right before they were TAKING DOWN the spots for pictures!! >:( we were there for a little...and then we got to leave! ARRGGGHHHH!!!! so eventually we went back to my house (sarah had her date take her home) and we watched Marley & Me and ate cookies.
why did i even go??
Here's another thing.....the other day we had the senior pan pics (the big ones in front of the school with all the seniors). and guess who i saw!!!!!! ....i wanted to throw something...ANYTHING!!! his big, dumb head! GRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! kacee and mandy saw him and tried to talk to him..and he wouldn't talk back. (shock and amazment!!!)
it is my theory that he does not wish to speak to anyone from hunter he always says "leave the past in the past."
so i'm trying SSSOOOOOO hard to just forget about the big, dumb ape.... but that's pretty hard after giving 2 years to a relationship (where now i'm realizing what a $%@^&!# he was/is and how most of that relationship was me putting up with his crap!) long as i don't see him for a while....i'll be ok and probably won't end up killing somebody.. ;D
other than week has been...ok...... i've been sleeping a lot. which is odd for me. (i don't take naps)
and yesterday we went to the craft store so muh dad could get some loverly paint...and i found some awesome ribbon! which i bought, took home and made big (cute) bows out of. !!! (all i used was the ribbon, some little hair elastics, and a hot glue gun .....and glue, of course.) but you should see them! they are amazing!!!! AMAZING!!!!! :D
why so much drama???? :"C
i'm thinking i'm ready for this school year to come to the finale already.....

Monday, May 4, 2009




(and i'm gonna be asking ppls to bring be warned!)

and as for the prom....yup...i is going wit i guess i'll have to let you see pix...

and about the swine's just bein silly....although....m/b i'm getting the chikn pox??? i've got weird lil spots on muh person.....and they is really annoiing...

but i got the IDK....

but mine mommy says that they needa get re-doed every 10 years or summut....
so maybe??? i can always ask the nurses!! :D

i hopes it's no the pox....bad poxies! baaadddd!! (i getted them once, but they didnay scabb i got a vaccine.... it sukd!)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

(fly, piggies fly!! you can do it!)


swine flu....

the other day at lunch, i was just about to eat this ham-and-cheese calzone thing...when this girl told me...

"don't eat that!!!!"

and i sat there and thought..."why?"

she said "it's ham."

and all i could think was...."'s not koshur?? are you jewish?"

and she told me "no! you could get swine flu!!!!"

"ohhh! well i also heard you can catch it real easy if you've got exima..."

"well, that's just great. you've got exima AND you're going to eat ham. YOU'RE GOING TO DIE!!!"

and i'm sitting there thinking..... "...........oookkkkk???..........."

and i ended up eating it was ok. i haven't died yet...but you never know....

:D so with that thought in mind....

be clean....try not to get exima (it sucks...but it's not like you can help it, huh?).....and don't lie down with pigs....dogs might be ok.

hmm....swine flu or fleas??? you're choice.