Sunday, May 3, 2009

(fly, piggies fly!! you can do it!)


swine flu....

the other day at lunch, i was just about to eat this ham-and-cheese calzone thing...when this girl told me...

"don't eat that!!!!"

and i sat there and thought..."why?"

she said "it's ham."

and all i could think was...."'s not koshur?? are you jewish?"

and she told me "no! you could get swine flu!!!!"

"ohhh! well i also heard you can catch it real easy if you've got exima..."

"well, that's just great. you've got exima AND you're going to eat ham. YOU'RE GOING TO DIE!!!"

and i'm sitting there thinking..... "...........oookkkkk???..........."

and i ended up eating it was ok. i haven't died yet...but you never know....

:D so with that thought in mind....

be clean....try not to get exima (it sucks...but it's not like you can help it, huh?).....and don't lie down with pigs....dogs might be ok.

hmm....swine flu or fleas??? you're choice.


heidi said...

You are so silly...I think you're gonna be fine. You might want to start taking hippie juice again, tho (I know you love it!). We'll have to see.

irish said...

uncle christopher says more people die of regular flu than swine flu and people get swine flu mostly from other people. i hear you are going to the senior prom w/brandon.
i want to see your senior picture and graduation announcements--please!! we got an announcement and pictures from aunt wilma and uncle devons' grandson, nicolas. be sure to send one to aunt wilma and uncle devon--they are probably some of your favorite people.