Tuesday, July 21, 2009

More on Thor-Thor!

Ok. So Thor had his surgery yesterday. And since then he's been sleeping a lot. The vet thinks he was attacked by a dog. When they shaved him down, they found 2 puncture wounds, and they were infected. That explains the fever. They took some x-rays, and found he had shattered his leg. He had a compound fracture to. So they made him wait over the weekend to get 2 pins put in his leg... he got that taken care of yesterday... like I said. The vet was saying he's lucky to be alive.

It's been kinda like he's got a hangover... or something. He sleeps a lot and doesn't like to be bothered much....but I don't really blame him. He's had quite a week. I hope he doesn't try anything smart around these dogs for a long time.

He's going to be loving us by the time he can actually do anything again. He has to be kept from doing too much for the next 6 weeks. So he can't go outside and do whatever it is he does out there.

Yesterday my mom was acting like one of those little girls that are always trying to harrass the kitties....ya know, the ones that always end up scratched and stuff.... the ones that make the cats terrified of little girls?

She kept trying to pick him up, or pet him, or move him around, or look him over....for the fifth time. He wasn't too happy that she kept interputing his medicated nap-time. And at dinner...she was still bugging him. We had to tell her to leave him alone and come eat!

Then we were putting his stuff together (the litter box and kennel and food stuff)...basically his new apartment/prison. She kept trying to get me to move him so she could fix his bed or whatever. He didn't enjoy that too much. I don't really blame the poor guy.

Right now he's sleeping.....still. It was like a big, huge thing when he started drinking some water! My mom was pretty excited to say the least. He's gotten a little dehydrated...so he has to drink and whatever. Other than that, he seems to be doing fine.

For a bit there (before the surgery) the vet thought he wouldn't make it. He had a really high fever and a really bad break. They had to make sure he still had feeling in his toes....if he hadn't, he would have had the get that leg amputated.

At least he gets to keep the leg..... but he's turning out to be on the expensive side. I think the surgery and everything was about $1000.... i think the surgery alone was $800. I could be wrong.... ask my mom for more details. (I'm sure she'd be more than happy to oblige.)

1 comment:

Tamorah said...

Pooooor Kitty. I hope he mends and makes a complete recovery. He has good nursing staff at your house. :)