Saturday, January 2, 2010

new year [at work]....

i spent new years at work.... working. i decided i'd have something to keep me awake. i ended up with a full throttle. i was a little tired for a bit after that (i drank like 1/2 of it around 9 or 10). but after not doing much for a few hours, the energy started to build up. i finished the full throttle at about 12. i was getting a little bouncy.

there was this break dancing competition (that i was NOT in) around 12:30. they had one for teams shortly after the first one finished. we cleaned up the floor and let people back in to skate for about an hour. movies started around 2:15. we kicked everyone out of skate about 3am... they had to go watch one of the movies (i think there were like 4 or 5 to choose from). we tried to clean the rink off some more, then went on break.

we (me, kim, jen and alie) sat around in the rink/diner area for a little bit. then we went up to the arcade. we did some racing games 'n stuff. jen disappeared.... she was off playing guitar hero. kim watched her. so i went off to this shooting game. it's got these ninja things you have to shoot. i got most in one shot and some you have to shoot a few times to get rid of them. and this was the kind where they all start showing up around the same time. it was fun. but that gun starts getting heavy after a few rounds. (i wasn't gonna go play that boxing game i played at the work christmas party. my forearms hurt for a few days after that!)

after we decided we were done with the arcade, we went down to the diner and said hi to alie and jim. then went and skated til people started showing up from the movies that were out. (i think there were like 2 out, and this was around 4-ish). the rest of them got out closer to 5.

alie said that we were all needed. so i could go home. (she gave me 1st choice, cuz i wasn't covering for someone.... kim said she was still pretty awake; she had had 2 MONSTERS... one from the first shift, then one about the time i had the full throttle. so she was AWAKE.)

i decided i'd call my mom and see if she'd answer. if she did, i'd go home. if not, i'd stay. she answered.

see, i thought i was gonna be pretty tired, so i was gonna have her come pick me up after work (i was supposed to get off at 7).

so i waited out back where she was gonna meet me. i called jason and talked to him, while i walked in circles and talked really fast and a lot. i was very awake. jason said he didn't like when i was like that.... lol. he wasn't used to it. when it was closer to 6 he decided he was gonna go to bed... he was tired. i was still pretty much awake. i went to bed around 7, i think.

i slept until my mom woke me up (10-ish??) when she said that becky and ray were there and were gonna be leaving. i should go up if i wanted to say hi before they left. so i did. i was up for about an hour. then i went back to sleep until about 3:30, when jason called. so i decided i should wake up. a few hours later, i was back at work.

it was busier than we were expecting. and about 1/2 of the people there where there that morning.... ggrreeaatt... you'd think they'd be at home sleeping! not hanging out at HC and skating. (crazy people)

so alie ended up on break and i got to be dj. i also got to play a game with them.... great fun! we played the number game.... woo-hoo.....

i told everyone that didn't want to play had to get off the rink until the game was over. people need to learn how to listen... (-_- )

how the game works is everyone that is playing (everyone else should be on the carpet, not the rink) will skate around the rink like normal. i will turn down the music and call a number. the number(s) i call will have to get off the rink... unless i say that they are the ones that stay, and everyone else gets off... but usually it was that they had to get off. then i turn the music back up and have them skate some more until i call the next number(s).

so i do this a few times and i keep telling them they have to get off and stay off until the game is over. now there is this hindu guy that is usually there on fridays. he's not playing, but hanging out by the dj booth, talking to me while i play the game. he said that they weren't listening..... yeah.... *sigh* so finally i'm like "if your out and your number was called, then you HAVE TO GET OFF THE RINK UNTIL THE GAME IS OVER" they just sit there. so i do it again. i call #1 (i'm drawing the numbers from this bucket thing)... and all these people just sit there. i turn the music back up. they just stand there under #1 (the numbers are on the walls). they just stand and stand... not listening. so i finally leave the dj booth and skate over to them. i say that their number was called, they have to get off the rink. they say that they're not even playing the game. i was like, so why are you on the rink? you need to get off. they stand there like idiots. it's like, seriously, get off the rink.... they glare.... one girl calls me a b***h.

that's IT! i yell at them to get off the rink til it's done!!! NOW!!

so they finally scoot off the rink.... ((hallelujah!!!!) this guy, the one by the dj booth, is laughing... (-_- )

i finally finish the game. they can get back on. the winners were at the booth. i was not very happy with those other people. i was like (to the winners) thank you for listening... *sigh*

the sad thing is that the people i had to yell at were maybe my age? the people that would listen were younger!! WTFH?!?! can i just smack them now?

alie gets back from break and i tell her about how i'm not happy with the stupid non-listeners. she laughs and pats my arm.... ( -_-)

seriously.... i hate stupid people. why can't they just LISTEN?!? grrrr....... >:[

and now i get to go back tonight. i really hope i don't have them there again.... that would be really nice... ;)

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