Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dress Your Eyes

I got some trial contacts yesterday. It's such a pain in the tush trying to get them in! ...or out. It was easier today than it was yesterday. I think it's easier taking them out. They're not so bad when they're in. Although, I think I got one of them in backwards today...

I have an appointment for this Saturday, but I have to see if I can either change the time (Cameron & Jarom have a parade at that time that I didn't know about) or if I can just change the day if they don't have any more time openings.

I've got a bit of a headache, but I think it's mostly from changing from the contacts (sharper seeing power) back to my old glasses (a bit more blurry... my prescription has changed a bit). Then I do the same thing again the next day...

On another matter:
I want to make a shrug from an old black t-shirt and a t-dress out of a brown one that has the same cut. They're both a little short & I don't really wear them much anymore. I just have to get/find some good material for the skirt part of the dress. :) I think I'm good on elastic and everything else.

At work I'm pretty much in management training... according to Christy (she's my friend/the assistant GM). That's why I've been having the weird schedule. Working earlier in the day on Tuesdays, working Thursdays... but pretty much the same on Fridays & Saturdays. They put me on the dj a lot these days. I've also been doing blackout/old school. So it was kind of a given...

Plus I've been there for a while...

I got signed up for school last week & submitted my forms (online) for my pell grant.

A spot opened up in the class I really wanted for anatomy!! So I traded from the one I had to Prof. Moon's class!!! I've been told he's pretty good. [Yay!]

Right now all I have is the anatomy class & lab, and a nutrition class. I think I might take either a yoga class or a flexibility class. (Not at 6 in the AM, thank you! :P) Something fairly easy on my neck. :)

I got some notebooks and pens for school. I might have to get some more of the smaller sticky notes for my textbook/note-taking.

I'm planning on getting a wireless printer for my laptop (so I can print stuff... finally! I can't figure out how to get it to work on the Canon one in the living room...) Maybe I'll get myself a yoga mat, too. :) Gotta get an awesome color though!

We'll see how it all goes! :)

Random Eye Quote:
“The eye sees a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination awake.” Leonardo da Vinci

(Sometimes I wonder about that... Some people have really weird dreams!)


irish said...

as a dj, do you talk between songs on the mike? hope your eyes are getting easier. i can't think of anything witty today--my wits have gone north looking for cooler weather.

Beckle the Freckle said...

Hey meagies! I have a hot pink yoga mat that I have used about twice. It's gathering dust in my closet. You can haz if you wants! :)

heidi said... I sneak in with you if you take it?

M3@9@N said...

Bexie- That would be sweet! :) We also need to do an MJ or toga party sometime. I could do it for my b-day, but it might be too cold by then. :'(

Gramma- Sometimes I do. Like for announcements or whatever. Or we do games. :)

Mamma- Iono how you'd sneaks in to da class... :\ but that could be fun. (ps. wakey-wakey so we can go play rabids!)

Beckle the Freckle said...

Hey Neige, guess what? They have switched around Zumba and Yoga, so now they are in a more sensible order. (Zumba first, then Yoga) Maybe we can catch the end of a Zumba class some saturday and then do yoga after. I wonder if it will be crazy George. Was that his name?

Meags: How come MJ never wore a Toga? I guess the closest he got was the sheets him and Elvis's spawn were wearing in the half nakey You are Not Alone.

M3@9@N said...

You know the one where he's in Egypt and Eddie Murphy is the Pharoh?Remember the Time! It's not a toga... but it's just as good! :D

Beckle the Freckle said...

I was gonna say that one, but I don't think it counts because he was wearing leather pants!

M3@9@N said...

lol. i guess you're right.. but still! he has a skirt thingy over them :P

M3@9@N said...

plus... i think she WAS nakey o.O and he was 'cept where the sheets cover his "area" :P

heidi said...

Woo...I wonder if I could survive Zumba AND yoga. It could be fun! (Can we sit in the hot tub after and see what strange people talk to us?)

irish said...

you haven't written on here for a long time and i miss you. we missed you at the fireworks party at our house last nite. happy pioneer day. love