Wednesday, July 28, 2010

So I did the only thing you can do when you are trapped in a corner: I chewed my way through the wall!

i wanted a random title today... ^_^ (It's by Scott Adams)

Today I went to the gym. While I was there I got a call saying that my glasses & contacts were in.

I picked them up after my meeting with Alie & Jim. We were talking about me possibly being a manager. It could be cool... We'll see.


I've been cleaning/organizing for the past week or so. I'm pretty much done now... I think.

I just have to keep it this way. That's the "fun" part... And finish up what I still have left. :D

I've got all my classes signed up for. The only hold up was that they randomly selected me to prove that everything was right. (For the pell grant.) So instead of being easy and just doing everything online (like they say) and NOT waiting in a long line... Lies! I had to go and give them paper work! Again! Lame... but I think it's all taken care of.

I'll have classes 3 days a week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday). Then I'll have work and homework and stuff... Hope it's not too stressing. *hope hope*

And now for my "boys are dumb" bit. (Cuz I KNOW you wanna hear it!) ;)

Justin started talking to me again. He wanted me to call him cuz he wants to try to be with me again. I'm thinking it's not gonna happen. He wanted me to call him, so I did... His phone rang & rang... Then made weird screechy noises at me. I tried emailing him. He hasn't replied.

Jason just now tried talking to me. He started IMing me. He told me he's going to have a baby with whats-her-face. (He still won't tell me her name.) I think it's a stupid idea if he doesn't like her that much... but whatever. His decision. Says they're working stuff out & he had to move on cuz "the girl he likes doesn't like him anymore." Well.... with an opening line like "hey dork" it makes you wonder why I don't really want to be with him. All he does/did is make fun of me. It gets SO annoying!

And then other guys. . . Ugh. Why do older guys want to hit on me? I swear... Some guys have been in their 50s! WTH?!

That.... or they just want some. . .action. NOT going to HAPPEN! >:[

There. There's my guy rant. ^_^


irish said...

what do your glasses look like--beautiful--i bet? You look beautiful in your contacts too. glad you're back. there are lots of wonderful men out there like your fabulous grandfather only your age--don't settle for less. love you lots

M3@9@N said...

Hehe... I'm sure there are! And they look kinda like my old ones, but smaller lenses... But they're black.

heidi said...

Ah, the joys of dating! I didn't know Jason was having a baby with someone... Grandma said something about that to me when we were last out there and I didn't know what she was talking about. See what I learn from reading your blog?
I'm glad you're smart enough to not fall for guys' lines.
I told Bev today that you got Randy M. as your Anatomy teacher and she said, "Praise the Lord!" Bev is cute.

heidi said...

Your quote reminds me of Thor and his boxen.