Sunday, November 21, 2010


So the big holidays are pretty much HERE! CrAzY!

Zac says he really doesn't want me to get him anything because he doesn't like Christmas... (something about his family did something and kinda ruined it for him...?) He says he doesn't like surprises either. So if I'm getting him something, I have to tell him. (Uhmmmm... NO! Where's the fun in that?!)

But then we go to the store and look around and he sees things he wants to get for people (like his mom) and he mentioned something about I'll like what he's getting me... And he's helping me decide what to get for people. I'm confused. Maybe he just likes giving things to people and not getting things? Idk. What do you guys think? Ever have that problem? Why are guys so stubborn?? But then, he is a redhead. I'm told they can be stubborn.... :P haha (I've been told other things too... like they have anger issues)

He says he doesn't want me to get him anything, then smiles and says I'm probably gonna get him something anyway, huh? ^_^ maybe

So should I get him something and not wrap it (boring), or wrap it, or just not get him anything? The thing is, if he does get me something, I'll feel bad if I don't get him something. Ya know?? *sigh* I haven't had this issue before. :\

Dumbs boys....

Anyway, Thanksgiving is this Thursday and I have it OFF! How freaking awesome is that?? I'm pretty sure I'm getting Christmas off, cuz I asked for it (not Thanksgiving) so I should get it off, too. That would be bad A!

It's snowing today & Zac and I played in the snow! It was so fun! I haven't done that in ages! Running around and getting cold and wet. Getting very cold snow in shoes and down the back of the shirt/jacket. Brrrr! Haha. Good fun. ^_^

***this section is for Bexie (and anyone else that wants it)***
Here is a link for crocheting Totoro (and other characters). It has videos and stuff too! I'm sure you could find one on how to sew it. Google it and you can find just about anything! Or use this pattern. I think they look/end up about the same. ^_^

hugs&kisses :)

1 comment:

irish said...

he really wants a present. just wants to give you a hard time. get him something, but not very expensive. just something fun. lots of love.