Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Was Yesterday :]

It snowed today! The weather is off by a day... Very un-white Christmas. Very white Boxing Day... Bah.

Anyway. Today seems to be dragging by so slowly! It was 6 and felt like 10 at night. :(
I've been watching random things on youtube like hair tutorials and things from Threadbanger and the Stupid Sock Creature web page. His blog is funny. (one of the threadbanger episodes is the Stupid Creatures Guy making one!!)

It's so dark outside and Zac is still up in Layton.

I'm bored. ( -_-)

Maybe I'll go watch Young Sherlock (sheer-luck, hahaha..... Jk).
Amber and Mom watched it without me! How mean... Amber says she "forgot" to come get me and say they were starting it. I was down reading my Stupid Sock Creatures book.

Perhaps I'll make myself some cocoa and eat my chex mix with.... coconut and... Idk what is in it really. My mom is almost done with her bag. It's a big freezer bag full, too. We got them from our visiting teacher (whom I rarely see, cuz I'm usually gone... work, school, zac, friends...)

Christmas was fun. We took lots of pictures, but who knows when I'll actually get around to posting them on FB....

Dana was in LOVE with her Totoro. :)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Week Countdown to Christmas

As it turns out yesterday was the Vernon Christmas party (not today, like we had been told). Of course, I had to work. Awesome...

Someone called about an hour after it had started to ask whoever was home if they were coming.

I finished Dana's Totoro (aka Toro) today for Bexie!

(I did add a few more up-side-down-seagulls to the tummy area, but other than that... This is what he looks like!

And other than waking up every few days with a sore throat, I'm better. Yay!

Now I have to finish Zac's scarf and hat. (I took a break from trying to mix colors together. It's only 2, but still. It takes a while.)

I'm finishing up Pinky's gift, and I guess I'll take pictures of that when I'm done too. :)

We finally put up our tree yesterday. Apparently Amber and Cameron decided that the icicle lights would look lovely on the tree. So with the lights off, the bottom 1/2 of the tree is blue. The top has multicolored lights (pink, green, orange, blue).

I only work once this week... :( tomorrow

All well...

Monday, December 13, 2010

Sick Day

So yesterday we made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies from a Lehi Roller Mill bag. They were yummy, but I think they are the culprit for my being sick. Not totally sure, but I felt fine til after I ate them.

I tried to go to sleep at like 9 or 10 last night, cuz usually sleeping helps make my tummy feel better. I could not sleep. I dozed off for a few minutes here and there, but was awake most of the night.

Amber started coughing tons in her sleep, the next room over (her room). And that's the time I decided I really didn't want to throw up anymore. Then guess what?? My stomach decided to do the exact opposite (again!). 1am I start puking my guts out...

The acid-y smell was only making the situation worse, so I tried to rinse my mouth out and was spitting blood. I swallowed some water to try to ease the burning in my throat. Then headed upstairs to take out my garbage can. I got another bag to put in the can and right as I'm about to go outside... the water comes up, too.

Meanwhile, Mom comes to the kitchen to see if I'm the one coughing. Nope. Just puking. Amber is the one downstairs coughing, again.

When my stomach stops trying to evacuate everything I had eaten yesterday, Mom was nice and took my trash out for me.

I came and slept on the couch, and there I have stayed most of the day. Mom also made me some Gatorade. I ended up texting Jen and Djuana to see if one of them would be awesome and take my shift for today. I think if I'm getting light-headed just walking around, I won't do so great at work. Djuana said she would. :)

The only thing I have eaten today would be a few slices of apple. I don't want to eat anything too heavy/solid because I'm afraid it won't agree with me. Chicken noodle soup sounds good, but we don't have any soup here. Not that I could find. ( -_-)