Someone called about an hour after it had started to ask whoever was home if they were coming.
I finished Dana's Totoro (aka Toro) today for Bexie!

(I did add a few more up-side-down-seagulls to the tummy area, but other than that... This is what he looks like!
And other than waking up every few days with a sore throat, I'm better. Yay!
Now I have to finish Zac's scarf and hat. (I took a break from trying to mix colors together. It's only 2, but still. It takes a while.)
I'm finishing up Pinky's gift, and I guess I'll take pictures of that when I'm done too. :)
We finally put up our tree yesterday. Apparently Amber and Cameron decided that the icicle lights would look lovely on the tree. So with the lights off, the bottom 1/2 of the tree is blue. The top has multicolored lights (pink, green, orange, blue).
I only work once this week... :( tomorrow
All well...
did any of you get to the vernon christmas party?
I think Cameron and I were the only ones that didn't go. Cameron was doing homework and I was at work. I didn't find out til I got home. My mom was gonna try texting it to me, but couldn't remember how to do it.
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