Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I am feeling very unmotivated these days. Maybe you would call it lazy?

School seems to be dragging on and getting boring. I feel like I have been going for forever, but not really going anywhere fast.

At work things have started to change because one of the General Managers was caught stealing money. Apparently she was not ringing stuff in for what was bought for skate, but was giving the people wristbands and pocketing the money. She admitted to $10,000. The guy in charge of the building thinks it's closer to $35-40,000 she took over the course of about 2 years. The funny thing is that she was studying to be a lawyer. Her doing this is what was making our department have very bad numbers.

This has been making the boss-man rather...paranoid. Now he's always looking over everyone's shoulders and thinking everyone is stealing from him, or thinking about it.

Boyfriend and Mom have been telling me I need to go hunt down Carma and get my certificate for assisting. Then I can stop working where I have been for the past 2+ years, where it seems I end up doing everything... More than the other managers seem to do most days. I seem to get in trouble for stupid stuff the most, too. It gets very irritating.

Now I'm only working 2 days a week and she still wants me to do all the stuff I usually did on Fridays. She just expects me to shove it all in on Saturday, when there are tons of parties and throngs of little kids roaming the rink. When it's like that, I don't really have much time to do anything but keep the crowd entertained (ex. play games), listen to annoying people that complain about anything and everything, make sure my people are doing what they are supposed to be doing, and make sure the music doesn't pop up with anything "bad."

Doesn't that sound like a full plate already??
(I also "get" to go in at 8am --3 hours early-- to do the scoreboard for hockey... So I am uber tired on saturdays. I hate mornings...)

I also have school. This means homework.

Some days it's still fun. But on the other hand I'm always wondering what they're going to do next. What they will accuse me (or anyone else) with. With them "stepping" things up, even people that are innocent may end up taking a fall because of how fire-happy things seem to be pointing these days...
About 3 people in skate in the last few weeks. And I haven't a clue at how many in the other departments... Sounds like quite a few.

An assisting job would pay more AND be much less stressful. The downside is that I have to get used to waking up eArLy o_O ugh...

I don't think I could work at a new job unless they would let me get off before noon, when my first class starts. Maybe.

Then there is trying to find a good place. At least I could start out at like $12/hr... That would be awesome.


Just because they really are out to get you doesn't mean you aren't paranoid.
--Steven Brust

Being slightly paranoid is like being slightly pregnant - it tends to get worse.
--Molly Ivins

And I know I'm paranoid and neurotic, I've made a career out of it.
--Thom Yorke

I'm not a paranoid derranged millionaire. Goddamit, I'm a billionaire.
--Howard Hughes


Wednesday, January 12, 2011


So Zac and I were watching Dinner for Schmucks the other day. I had to show him some Flight of the Concords stuff... He decided he liked Jemaine more with the beard and long hair. Haha!

He also told me some of my sense of humor is a little weird. (For example I like them, and Mr. Bean... among other things.) However, there are plenty of things I like that he does, too. Then some stuff he likes that I think is kinda.... blah?

I found out today that I don't have to take the chem lab with the lecture. They are "separate" and I can take them at different times. Considering I took it before and I passed the lab with an A-, but the lecture I needed a C+ and got a C... I have to take the lecture anyway. I think it's kind of stupid to take the lab again if I don't have to. Don't you?

Alie sent me a text today after I got out of class saying she needs me to work on Saturday morning at 7:45... in the MoRnInG o.O On the schedule it says 11am. I have to be there 3 1/4 hours early! She wants me to control the scoreboard for hockey, when the only thing I know is (kind of) how to change it back to the clock setting. And that takes a bit of time for me to remember what to do.

She says they'll tell me what to do. They better be patient. Especially considering I don't wake up that early anymore. Ever. (Ok.. the rare occasion when I randomly wake up at, say, 4am. But I go back to sleep!) It's a good thing I didn't have anything planned in the morning that day, huh?

At least more hours = more green in the pink bunny wallet.

And now I should probably go to bed so I will wake up for my 12 o' clock class tomorrow, huh? :P

hugs&kisses <3

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


School started yesterday.

I had work right after. When I drove home from work, I was hitting SO many potholes most of the way home. Ugh! They're not like little potholes, or anything. They're massive!

I already have homework. I have a lot to do... Blah.
All well. So far I like my professors. :)

My chem prof isn't crazy and bouncing off the walls. Changing the subject every 10 minutes. She stays on subject. And she realizes we may have other things going on, like work or families.

It's so cold outside. :( I do, however, like that even though it gets dark early, it's not at 5 or so. It's a little later. Yay! Spring is on it's way.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Poor Sad Boyfriend

Zac's dog (one of the family dogs growing up) died today. He went up there tonight because he was told they were going to put him to sleep tomorrow, so he wanted to go say goodbye.

Boyfriend told me that about a week or 2 ago Bobby (his mom's bf) and himself were talking about how much longer they thought he'd last. They were thinking about another year... And then he started just going pretty fast.

When he got to Layton, Zac sent me a text saying that he had already died. He went on his own. Poor Dozer. He'd been having issues getting around and couldn't even go up or down the stairs anymore. Zac tells me he was a chocolate lab and that he was 16 years old.

Poor ZacZac. He's so sad. :(