Saturday, July 23, 2011

Rant About Work

I am looking for a new job. Why? Because I hate the one I am at right now. I've been there 2 1/2 years (it will be 3 in November) and now I seem to be getting blamed for things I didn't do (like cleaning the floor "wrong" when I wasn't the one cleaning the scrubber is a piece of crap) or getting stuck doing things Mrs. Boss didn't feel like doing the day before (when she was supposed to do it!) or because she was "busy" to do it.

When this happens I don't have any time to do the other things I was supposed to be doing that day. Not to mention that yesterday it was just me and one other girl, about 3 daycares and families coming in. I got stuck doing this other stuff and therefore could not help the other girl, could not play games with the mass of small children, and could not restock things. This was awesome.

I almost had to sit-in on the GM meeting for Mrs. Boss because she is out of town for the next week for derby. I couldn't go sit there for a few hours (they usually talk for 2+ hours) and leave the girl downstairs all by herself! So that was a no-go. I didn't really want to sit-in for her anyway.

While I was trying to count this huge amount of $, the security guard had to sit there and oversee (so I don't get tempted to steal it, or so I don't get mugged.... something like that). He kept getting calls from the other departments, but couldn't leave. It was just him because the guy in charge of security was up in the GM meeting. It's so fun trying to count or roll tons of coins while having small children yelling out big numbers trying to guess how much I had there behind the counter.... UGH! --Yes! It's a lot of money. Please, go do something else! There is no way I had a "hundred-million-bagillion" dollars there... I am pretty sure one of us would die of old age before I got that all counted, anyway.

It seems to me like I get yelled at, while Mrs. Boss gets a slap on the wrist for screwing up. This I don't appreciate. I also have only ever gotten 1 write-up the entire time I've worked there & that was because I was super tired and forgot we had put another till into the till drawer. Then didn't count it out and had to ring everything in... I ended up being the second till amount short. This was during the hockey tournament & I got very minimal amounts of sleep. I also was NOT used to waking up at 5 am. Not used to functioning like that, when I'm usually there at either 10-11am 'til 5pm, or 5pm 'til 11pm. SO, I blame my situation. Yup.

I could transfer departments, but I really don't want to stay in that building... I am just not excited to go to work anymore. There are a few people I would miss, but several I would not. Every once-in-a-while I have fun playing games and whatever, but if they don't listen I get irritated and almost want to yell at them. :(

Therefore, I am looking for an assisting job. There is one in Taylorsville that says you would be working at the front desk Mondays & Thursdays, and doing assisting stuff on Tuesdays. It was posted the 29th(?) of June. I wonder if it's still available? I have to write up my resume. Gah... :/

There are some other ones that want me to have tons of experience or have certifications for everything. Some I would have to renew, others I've never had or heard of. Like for coronal polishing... Never even knew they had certifications for that....

I really want one with benefits and no crappy hours that are not predictable in the least (like now... it's always different and if something comes up (like a party, graduation, girlscout sleepover, etc), I could be stuck there from 10 and night til 7 the next morning). I need one that would work around school. That would be AWESOME if I could get one with all that! :)
Still looking, but want a new one VERY soon.

(P.S. They still get my name wrong. My boss can't spell it right for some reason.... I always write it the RIGHT way, she always spells it the "normal" way. She can get the other girl's right... Maybe that is because she has a weird name? Very different "black-girl" name some might call it. I think even on my checks they spell it wrong. The bank loves to ask which one is the right spelling. I tell them they have it right, work has it wrong.)

1 comment:

heidi said...

I'm sure you'll find a better job, just start applying and following up. You're charming and talented - any dentist's office that is very smart at all will love you!
Dentist office hours are usually pretty normal daytime hours, unlike skating rinks!
You and I both need funner, better jobs! I'm sure we'll get them.