Thursday, April 26, 2012

Craft Sites to Pass The Time

Ahh... The wonderful world of crafting and the internet!  Here are some blogs/sites that I really like to cruise by every here and there.


If you are really into DIY and Crafting, one of the best websites I've found is!  It's got so many cool, random projects!
Here are a few things it's shown lately:

AT-AT Cat Condo
Earth Day Goodies
Turning Your Shoes into Funky Lacey Shoes
Ruffle Top FlipFlops
Wooden Cookie Box

Basically, anything from shoes to hair, food to toys.

Think Liz

She does a fun project every week for her Toddler Tuesdays, sews a lot and has some fun projects every once-in-a-while. She has a few tutorials and patterns that you might find fun!

Totally Tutorials

This site is pretty fun.  It's kinda like craftzine. It has a ton of random tutorials for diy/craft stuffs.


Only found this one recently.  It has a few random things.  The last few things it's featured were food-related.  They show sewing and stuff on there, too.  They had one on there lately that shows you how to build a pillow fort.... the right way!  Haha..


They put a lot of things that they try that sometimes "fail" and sometimes don't.  It's interesting.... They talked about hair chalking and food and sewing....

Creepy Cupcakes

I don't think she's put much up lately, but if you love Halloween you will love this blogger! I swear she is obsessed... Hahaha.


I think this will be the last one I'll talk about right now.  She has 2 blogs, one more about the crafting and the other is more like a diary-blog.  She's a makeup artist based out of California.  She's so funny and bubbly!

I would totally say that if you are bored or want to do some major crafting, you should totally check these blogs out!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Uploads Finally Worked!

I finally got some of my pictures of my craftings to upload! I have made a few other things since, but I will put those pictures up when I take them. With the stockings, I have mine (the brown and turquoise) and Zac's (the blue one) shown. I made Mom's & Jarom's before that but they are at my parent's house. I finished Dad's yesterday and also started Amber's yesterday. I'm going to give the King Boo hat to my uncle in a few months for his birfday, probably with a lemming or something. I made the potholders for Mom and going to make more (she's gonna use them for part of wedding prezzies or something). The scarf & other hats, I'm not sure what I'm going to do with. 
Adipose Baby & Ninja
Christmas Stockings (These are mine & Zac's.)
King Boo hat w/ Crown that I have yet to attach
Hello Kitty Beanie
Cat Face w/ Ears Beanie
What do you think?

I made breakfast this morning and knocked a glass off the counter. Cleaning it up, I pricked my index finger. It's all bandaged up, so typing isn't too bad. 

I have to finish some of my homework, but other than that & work I've got to figure out what else I want to do.

I put grips (like the ones you put on pencils) on my crochet hooks so it wont rub my finger(s) raw while I hook.  So far it is working out pretty well.  I had to get used to it first, though. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Not-So Manic Monday

I have to write a page on Mary Cassatt & make a slide show (about 10 slides, I think...) to show the last day of my art class.  Should be interesting.

I started working on my dad's Christmas stocking, but I don't have enough of the purple. I need to go out and buy some more. That's going to wait until I get paid.

I have done next to nothing all day - other than going to work. Just sat around all day. I've gotten so lazy.  With school and work and homework, I don't fell like doing much else.  I don't get how some people can go to work full time (or possibly even 2 jobs), school full or part time, have kids, cook, clean, etc. etc. and still have time to go have fun. Crazyness, I tell you!  There can't possibly be enough hours in the day for all (or some combo) of those things!  One would have to take some personal time so they don't go incredibly insane! Totally taking me time in the near future.... After school is out, most likely.

Still have to sign up for FAFSA. Ugh... school. I'm so not into you. I'm sick of it. I miss the fun classes! I hate the busy book work. It's boring and I am learning nothing. What I do learn goes right out the window and sinks to the bottom of a lake (most likly ol' Salty over there... but hanging with Nessie would be cool!), never to be heard from again. Seems pointless sometimes. Ugh...

Art is the only fun thing.  I miss those 1010 courses.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Beginner Crochet Kit

Still having technical difficulties getting my pictures to upload...
Maybe I will have to put them on my little memory chip and then put that in the computer. Hmm....

In the mean time, I am supposed to be doing my homework (which I have been shamefully putting off).  I think, right now, I would rather clean the apartment than write my papers... Ugh.
Car Cozy

I have been brainstorming ideas for putting together a beginner's kit for crochet for my cute little cousin Dana!  I pretty much know what I want to do with it.
Crochet hooks turned into bracelet!
How cool is this!?
1.  Get a good sized crochet hook(s)  (probably a G, H or I size would be good. F would be the smallest I'd go. Them smaller hook sizes are hard when you are just starting out!)

2.  Find some good yarn colors for her (I'm probably going to use some that I already have and make them into smaller yarnballs for her).

3.  Find some super easy patterns (I've already found a few) and print them out for her.

4.  Maybe put a few stitch markers and/or a needle (a big plastic one)  and/or safety scissors... I'm sure her mother has some scissors, so I might leave it at that.

5. Find a cute bag pattern and make it for her and put all the stuff in it.  I'll probably find a flower to attach to it, too.  Make it that much cuter!    <(^-^)>

Something like this:

Seems like a good plan to me....

Any ideas/suggestions?

I also found a really cool way to make your plain o' hooks into comfy comfort grip hooks! Super easy, too!

Wouldn't this be cool to make?! Here is a link for ideas on how to store your craft/crochet/knit stuff!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I've been trying to upload some pictures of some of the crafty things I've done lately, but I'm having trouble getting it to work.  :(

Also, my mp3 player is on the fritz and was frozen for a while.  I tried to plug it back into the computer and now it won't turn on or do anything! Not good!  Zac is going to try messing with it when he gets home from school.  We will see how it works out. .  .

Stupid electronics.