Monday, April 16, 2012

Not-So Manic Monday

I have to write a page on Mary Cassatt & make a slide show (about 10 slides, I think...) to show the last day of my art class.  Should be interesting.

I started working on my dad's Christmas stocking, but I don't have enough of the purple. I need to go out and buy some more. That's going to wait until I get paid.

I have done next to nothing all day - other than going to work. Just sat around all day. I've gotten so lazy.  With school and work and homework, I don't fell like doing much else.  I don't get how some people can go to work full time (or possibly even 2 jobs), school full or part time, have kids, cook, clean, etc. etc. and still have time to go have fun. Crazyness, I tell you!  There can't possibly be enough hours in the day for all (or some combo) of those things!  One would have to take some personal time so they don't go incredibly insane! Totally taking me time in the near future.... After school is out, most likely.

Still have to sign up for FAFSA. Ugh... school. I'm so not into you. I'm sick of it. I miss the fun classes! I hate the busy book work. It's boring and I am learning nothing. What I do learn goes right out the window and sinks to the bottom of a lake (most likly ol' Salty over there... but hanging with Nessie would be cool!), never to be heard from again. Seems pointless sometimes. Ugh...

Art is the only fun thing.  I miss those 1010 courses.



irish said...

Hi, cute Meagan--how is your ankle? I hope you are having a good day today. Will school be out in May? Then you can do something fun. Aunt Norma is having open heart surgery on April 17. She has 2 leaky valves. We love you and hope you have a happy week and life. It was good to see you on Easter. Lots of love--come see us.

M3@9@N said...

I hope she does well! I have 2 weeks left of classes, so I will be done soon.

irish said...

I guess Cameron is thru with school. Have you got big plans for the summer?? You will be thru next week then. I still can't see your crafty stuff. Love you.