Thursday, May 24, 2012

Education Idiots

What is with the people in charge of education being stupid these days?  You would think they would be a lot happier with students NOT vandalizing the school or getting someone hurt... I guess that's not the case.

One I heard this morning was about a couple dozen students in Michigan deciding to ride their bikes to school that last day of classes.  The principal freaked out and suspended them. Also threatened to not let the seniors walk next week for graduation.  You can read the story here and I believe there is a link to the same page, but you can click here or here for that.

The other was in Indiana and is about 5 students, a janitor and some sticky notes. The link to that story is here.  The seniors put up sticky notes around the school to "decorate" the hallways.  Some of their artwork is displayed with the story (the link I have above).  The janitor was fired and the students were suspended. I just have to say that at least they didn't use spray paint! Maybe they should've. The punishment might not have been so severe...? *roll my eyes*

There was another where a little 4 year old girl was not allowed to take part in school photos because her hair was "against school policy."  The link to that is here. She has her hair shaped into a bow, but the school in the UK says that braids are against the school's policy.

Any other "boners" you and your's have heard about lately?  Let me know!

Saturday, May 5, 2012


To see other superhero chickies, if they were created 100 years ago!
Looking at some random stuff today. I love surfing the web for random stuff! It's fun. Like this awesome Bento Box! 
Made me think of my grandma...
She loves tigger!
I got these 2 off of a a site I have recently decided to follow (Neatorama).  I've found some other fun stuff, too.  

Yesterday I made a baby bootie that looks kinda like a converse & it's orange.  I think that's what I'm going to do for people I know that are having babies. . . Make fun and different-type stuff! Oh yeaaah...
Now for more randomness!
I was trying to organize some stuff on my computer (because I have a lots of stuffs on it that I've collected and it's too messy).

Here's what I found!

I am still trying to decide what I want to do for everybody for birthdays and Christmas.  (Yes, I am getting a very early start, but if I'm making people some stuff, it will take a while to get the ones I want to make all put together. Crafty holidays are great!)