Saturday, June 29, 2013

West Fest Concert

The only reason we went was because Z found out that Alex Boye was going to be having a free outdoor concert. Z was pretty excited.

Alex Boye was really fun.
Super down to earth and easy going.
The fireworks started in the middle of one of the songs he was doing and he had his guys slowly change the beat and then started singing Fireworks by Katy Perry.
Then he started going around the audience to people and having them sing with him.
It was pretty much all girls that would sing. He wanted a guy to get up and sing.
These girls by us volunteered their friend. He ran away, but Alex chased him around the crowd and through the pavilion that was by the stage. He still couldn't get him to sing.

I think he liked having the little kids sing with him the most. He'd make funny noises and have them repeat it back. He does have a few kids that are about the same age, so that could be why.

He interacted with the crowd almost the entire time. He told us to watch the fireworks and not him because the city had paid a lot of money for the display. He even asked if we wanted him to keep singing or to "just shut up for a bit."  He was relieved that everyone told him to keep going. Hahaha.

Before we left (the show started at 9:30 and we stayed until like 11) he did a song from this movie that is coming out. The song was about boy scouts. He had all the guys (that wanted to) that had been a boy scout or eagle scout come up to the stage to learn the dance that goes with the song. I wanted them to, but little brother and Z didn't want to go up.

The song he did right as we were going to go (but I had to stay) was by none other than... MJ! You know, cuz they don't really care about us. :P   Ya'll know how much I love my MJ. Mm-hmm... ^_^
Say what you want, but he was an amazing artist. and dancer. I admit, he was a little... weird. But he's still awesome.

Sidetracked! Haha.

Anyway, Alex Boye.  He was mostly singing in English. He did a few songs in other languages. Like one song is from Haiti.

I went and got Z a cd which also has a dvd with it. He was happy.

That's pretty much all we did at West Fest. The concert and the fireworks. Before the concert we wandered around the food tents but everything that sounded good had really long lines. :(

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Work Benefits and Stuff

Finally got car stuff back to us for the destroyed car! Well, most of it. I think we are waiting on one more thing. Then we can finally get that finish getting that car in the past. Yay!

I also got signed up for medical benefits through my work. Z gets his medical stuff covered by the VA (and sometimes it's rediculous! but he has it so he figures he might as well use it.) and dental and vision we are keeping through his work. Medical is a little cheaper through my work, so I've got that as of today...

All this grown-up stuff can hurt your head. So many little details to go over. All well.

If you haven't seen my crafty/business/fun bloggie it's right HERE
Or you can find the link in the lovely little side bar <--- font="" nbsp="" over="" there.="">

Ciao for now, lovelies!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Healthy Time!

I really need to get in shape. I go up a flight of stairs and I'm dead! :[
I don't have enough energy to play with my nieces/younger cousins for very long.
I feel worn and overweight and... Ugh.
(I might not look it, but it's not very good..)

So I am possibly going to be trying to do healthy foods and do some form of exercise before work in the mornings. I am too tired or have too much going on after work to really do much.

We have been horrible about eating healthy. We mostly eat junk because we are too lazy to make something or to thaw out the meat or whatever we want to make.

Sadly, that also means I have to figure out healthier food to take to work that is easy to make/transport/warm.  Being I only get 15 min breaks every few hours, I kinda have only that much time to heat anything up.

I need awesome food ideas!

I also wouldn't mind good morning exercise ideas.  My body is not very flexible, especially in the morning (is anybody's??).  So I have to do things that I can handle at this point.

I figure, it can't hurt and it will definitely help with my bad knees and neck. (It makes me feel old! -_-)
Maybe putting it out there will help motivate me to be better about stuffs...?

Comment below with any tips/recipes/exercises you have for me! Things that worked for you... even things that really didn't help you would be helpful!  Even links to cool blogs related topic(s)?

Maybe I'll actually try that detox stuff in the future, too?

Ciao for now!