Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Work Benefits and Stuff

Finally got car stuff back to us for the destroyed car! Well, most of it. I think we are waiting on one more thing. Then we can finally get that finish getting that car in the past. Yay!

I also got signed up for medical benefits through my work. Z gets his medical stuff covered by the VA (and sometimes it's rediculous! but he has it so he figures he might as well use it.) and dental and vision we are keeping through his work. Medical is a little cheaper through my work, so I've got that as of today...

All this grown-up stuff can hurt your head. So many little details to go over. All well.

If you haven't seen my crafty/business/fun bloggie it's right HERE
Or you can find the link in the lovely little side bar <--- font="" nbsp="" over="" there.="">

Ciao for now, lovelies!

1 comment:

irish said...

Good to see you back--missed you.
Have a lovely day. Come see us.