Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Stiffness and Stuffness

I've been really bad lately and not doing my leg exercises. I tried doing a few of them today, and man does my knee feel.... wonky.

I really need to be better about doing that.

Also, I'm trying to downsize how much stuff we have just around. I'm gonna start (try) fly lady stuff (again) and see if that helps with our mess. I'm maybe a little too optimistic and gung-ho, so I may just end up overdoing it. Starting tomorrow (it's bed time in my little universe).

This should be interesting.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Updates 'N Such

Heyy.... Yes, I'm still alive!

My knee is doing tons better! The nerve doctor said (forever ago) that I don't have nerve damage and that I was just subconsciously protecting my knee from getting reinjured (like the deep down in the hidden parts of my brain didn't want me to move it).  I think knowing that it was a mental issue and not a physical problem may have helped.

My knee is still a little sore and stiff most days. Stairs are still a challenge and I'm scared to try jumping or jogging. Some day. Some day I will try doing crazy things.

I'm not going to physical therapy anymore and just doing stuff at home.

On another subject, I'm trying out a new storefront - Storenvy!  So far I'm liking it and it doesn't seem too hard to navigate... You should check it out! You'll be my bestest friend! Haha. *winkwink*

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Knee / Leg Update

So it's been a while since my surgery. Things seem to be going ok.
My quads are still really weak, but at least it's weight bearing and I'm that much closer to walking without crutches. I've been walking with just one crutch for a few days now. Yep. Just leaving the other at home. My leg was so tired the first day I tried that, but I've gotta do it!

The doctor almost thought that my nerves had been damaged or something because of how weak they are. It almost seemed like they were dead. I was having a really hard time "firing" those muscles. I almost had to go get another MRI and a nerve test to check on them.  He had me walk around a little and then lift my leg. For some reason I can move the leg a lot better when I'm standing than when I'm sitting. Is that weird? I think it's weird.

Now I've got some new exercises to do with my leg and to work the quads and hamstrings. I need to massage and elevate my knee when I can so that I can get more swelling out. Hopefully that will make it so I can build up strength and straighten/bend my knee further.

I'm looking forward to being able to walk around the store or to the car or up some stairs without a crutch and without doing this hop/limp type thing.

Well, that's all I really have for now.
I put up a free crochet pattern on my other blog, so please check that out.
I'm still working on what I want to post in the Etsy shop, but I really need to get rid of all this stuff around my home, so maybe I'll just list some of that...
Anything you guys might like to see? Questions and comments are always welcome!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Feeling a lot better these days. I'm getting closer to being able to lift my leg without help from other limbs. I can finally put weight on it, but still can't walk on it. I can't straighten the knee out all the way and I'm to about 74 degrees that I can bend it to. It's not as swollen and sore as it used to be. Physical therapy and doing the exercises has been helping a lot.
I also don't have to take as many drugs.  I was taking oxycodone for the pain, but was trying to keep it to around 1 a day (some days right after surgery I had to take more). Now I'm only taking the ibuprofen. Yay!

If you don't follow my instagram or FB, you probably don't know about my trip to PT last week.
My first visit was great, but leaving the hospital, I tried to go out through the revolving door. Bad plan. It was one of the only doors around the elevator that is also close to where the car was parked. It happens to be the front door. There are some other old-fashioned, push-open doors next to it, but they say "emergency exit"... kinda didn't want alarms going off.
So I try the lovely huge-scary-revolving door.  Did I mention it was snowing that day? Yeah. So it was wet. wet tile floors + crutches = fall-down-go-boom.  I think I was more freaked out than anything. I tried to catch myself with the bad just-had-surgery leg.  They took me over to the ER and got some x-rays to make sure nothing was ruined from the surgery. They also didn't charge us anything for the ER visit.
(Everything was fine.)

We went back to PT on Monday this week and I avoided the scary door on the way in. Turns out they put carpet in the scary revolving door! So much easier to go out now! Hopefully no more spills in the door. At least not due to wet tiles. I guess at least something good came from my falling.

I'm thinking about posting another pattern on the shop blog, but I haven't decided what to type up and post. I've kind of neglected the shop, but with so much going on and not really feeling it lately, I'm sure you can understand why.

Check back later. I'm really going to try posting more this year. I've been really bad about it lately.
