Friday, May 4, 2007

A Week Before Prom

I'm soo excited!! I get to go the Sr. Ball! Yay... I asked Tyler about a week or so ago. The dance is in a week... :D

Now Sterling has to tell Kayla [hopefully] YES! If he doesn't.. I'm not gonna be very happy with him.. grr..! >:(

It's been about a week since she asked. I wonder if he knows it's her?

I just asked Tyler to his face (Madi kinda messed things up...all well). It was kinda easier anyway. I got that out of the way.

Now we just needa figure out what to do for a day activity. Hmmm... We were thinking about going to Lagoon, but it'd probably be crowded. Maybe the zoo? We're not sure yet. Eh, we have a week to figure that out.

Last Saturday I went dress shopping. The first place we went wasn't open, so we went to the mall. That was rediculous. None of the stupid dresses fit me or if they did, they made me look weird. Like one was too tight around the tummy, so we got a size bigger. That was too big on top!! I'm not a freakin' MAN, dang-it! Another one made it look like I was slouching my shoulders forward weird. We went to another mall. They had almost NO dresses. We went to Kohl's and Sears...NOTHING! We went to Walmart to look at patterns... I didn't really want to sew my dress...the patterns we liked called for a lot of material. I was soooo stressed out! We went to Wendy's and I ate 2 burgers with the evil aluminum-cheese in about 5 minutes! (I'm not a big person that has food for a comfort, well, not all the time anyway! ;) )

We went dress shopping again on Wednesday. That was much more fruitful. We went to The Sample Room (in Sandy). The plus was that the dress looks good AND wasn't as much $$$ as the stupid ones at the mall!!

My dress is kinda burgandy-purple-ish. On the tag it said grape, but it doen't really look "grape." It's got a corset-like bodice. It laces up the back. That thing is a pain in the you-know-what (arms) to try to put on by yourself!!! I tryed to put it on so I could see what it would look like with a black shrug over it. The shape didn't turn out too great on top (I only laced up about three or four holes on each side.. doesn't make it look as good..). From what I could tell, it would look ok.

Kayla was going to get a dress that has the same pattern, but is a different color. For some reason she didn't go back and get it today.. and they only hold it for 48 hours.

The girl that was helping us out seemed like she was pretty excited for us. She was funny. We (Kayla & I) were goofing around, making fun of some of the dresses that weren't so cute. One had ruffly sleeves. I was like "OOh. Ruffles." Kayla grabbed it and said, "Ruffles." I was like, ". . have ridges!" The girl started laughing and told us that we crack her up.

She found us a lot of dresses that she liked and thought that we might. A bunch of them were cute. One was a light purple, two piece dress. I was trying to get one of the snaps undone (on the back of the bodice) and I --poor me-- broke a nail.. luckily it didn't get into the pink part. :)

This is gonna be SSOOOO FUN!


Beckle the Freckle said...

Awwww! My leetle niece is going to prom! How old are you...10? *GASP* Have you told your parents?!

Just kiddin'...=)

I'm glad you found a dress. I hate shopping for nice dresses. All the pretty ones are skanky.

Now I'm trying to think what you should do during the day. Hmmm...I'll let you know if I come up with anything.

Love you! *MWAH!*

Anonymous said...

hmmm...i would think i told them..?
mine mommy went shopping with me, i would think that she knows. she's probably be wondering why i wanted a prom dress!?

i'm glad a found a dress 2! most of them are a little "skanky," sometimes you have to add things here or there for them to work.

that's cool. you'll have to give me some good ideas! :D i've got a few days left to come up with something. we were thinking maybe the zoo would be fun.

love you 2!!