Friday, June 22, 2007

girl's camp (6-22-07) about old! i was looking at old posts...and this was just a draft!

This week i went to girl's camp with my ward. We left Tuesday, and got back today.

I think that the biggest accomplishment we've had was that we didn't fight this year. Except for a few dumb little arguments about nothing, we did good!

I passed off a lot of stuff for my camp necklace. I've only got to memorize 2 scriptures, mia maid & laurel mottos, and the articles of faith. (The hardest will be the articles.)

A ton of people were freaking out about having food in the tent at night. The day before we left, there was that news report about the little boy that was attacked by a bear at a boy scout camp (I think that's what it was). Poor little kid. What a way to go. .attacked by a bear cuz of granola bars and your gameboy. :'(

For some reason, it didn't really freak me out. Staying out in a tent, with bears running around. We never actually saw a bear, so I guess it didn't really phase me. . ? We've never seen a bear around our camps before. There's been deer, moose, racoons, potguts, and stuff like that. Dunno. .

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