Sunday, October 21, 2007


arg!!! this stupid constitution thing is driving me insane!!! i still need 3 more news articles and it's due tomorrow!! how in the world am i 'sposed to find something on the housing of troops! it's impossible. have you ever tried looking online for the 7 articles and 1st 10 amendments?! you need to have news articles that are 2 wks old. .maybe a month at the oldest. it's sooo hard!! grr. . .

i am sooo tired. i've surprisingly gotten a lot of sleep lately. it doen't help that i've got swim practice 6 days a week.
on the days i have school i get there at 6 and go until school starts or until the end of 1st period (depends on the day) and the days i don't have school i go from 7-9 am. . i get sundays off. yay. .

the other day i was feeling sick. i went to bed at about 7:30-8ish. . and woke up around 5-5:30. i got about 10 hrs of sleep.

i think ty's right. . if you get more sleep you're body will want more sleep and get lazier and not want to get up. but then. . sprints almost everyday make me not want to even bother getting up for practice. i know i'll just be sore after practice anyway.

i hate my knees. .

if it weren't for them i could run and walk longer and kneel (w/o it biting me in the butt) and swim harder and longer. . and so so so much more! if only, if only. . .

aren't i just a sob stroy. . hahaha. . . but i just feel like complaining. . so you can either read on and deal with it. .or you can just stop reading and read/do something else. it's you're life, you can decide what you wanna do with it. .

i think that everybody in my group of friends has had a really bad week. sarah and her bf had a weird breakup/backtogether thing & she's been haveing issues wit her momma about him too.
myself and tyler have had a headache, ill tummy and various other sore spots (poor tyler. . he had fun at swim the other day. . big red spot from a locker and being passed out for the last 1/2 hr of practice. .need i say more??)

what else? oh, yeah. . caitey. . she's kinda been getting. .well, on my nerves. . and ty's and . . . well. .

see. . she keeps asking what SHE did that made us mad at her, or what SHE so we're acting like we are, or how SHE isn't feeling good, has asthma, and bad knees, etc., etc., etc.
i know others on the team have it worse. . but her. . her. . .her. . .her. . herherherher! ggrrrr!!
we've tried to tell her that the world doesn't revolve around her! we've tried it nicely and very very bluntly. it doesn't seem to be working. how can you continue to be nice (or try) to somebody that no matter what they do. .it seems to drive ya nuts?! AHHH!! >:(

i'm usually a pretty nice person. . but some ppl just push my buttons with no mercy! no it tends to "karma" around. .

ooohhh!! me and me friends WERE going to be disney princesses for halloween (it's not exactly happening). they decided i'd be Ariel (the little mirmaid). . . red hair, i guess. . puff was gonna be the black Cinderella, kayla was gonna be Belle, mandy was gonna be Snow White, and sarah Tinkerbell. i don't know what i'm really gonna be. i wanted to be Pippy. . but i still need the socks. . . stripes. . . then i just need to get something to get my hair to stick out. my dad says a hanger. . we'll see. .

i think bed and food sounds good. it's been nice venting to you. . thanx for the ears. XD

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