Sunday, November 4, 2007


Friday morning we had a practice at 6 o' clock. Then we got on the bus at 8 and had a lovely 6 hour drive down to St. George. When we got there we went straight to the rec center where the meet was being held. We stretched, did a 1/2 hr warm up and waited for the meet to start and our event(s) to come.

I was in the last event on Friday. . the 50 freestyle (event....uhm....i think it was event 6 or 8?). Heat 5 lane 4. I came first in my heat, completeing the 50 in 32 seconds (3 seconds faster then my last time). Which, I'm sad to say, is a little slow. . all well, I'm a rookie this year, and I haven't done very much athletic work in the past 2 years. The fact that i have a pretty messed up knee doesn't help much.

After we were finished that day, we got checked into out hotel and ate dinner (yay for pizza) while we waited for the coaches to get our keys to the rooms. We finished dinner, hung out for about an hour, then had to depart to our rooms (guys and girls couldn't interact after 9) and had to be in bed around 10ish.

I bunked with Caitey and Kelli (whom i call miss Kelli). Poor Kelli was very sick. . i think she got us sick too. Caitey said she was up 1/2 the night from Kelli caughing. Tyler said he could hear he caughing up a lung down the hall (we were in room 219 and he in 207). I didn't hear he, I did hear Tyler knocking on the door at 5 in the morning, but I thought it was Shawn (the coach). He knocked again later, and i opened the door that time.

We all got up (we let Kelli get some more sleep, she'd be getting a wakeup call at six) and went downstairs for breakfast.

We packed up, and headed back to the rec center (we wouldn't be going back to the hotel) for the 2nd 1/2 of the meet.

We did stretches and a warmup. Then we started off with the 100s. I was in Event 11 (100 freestyle), heat 5, lane 6. I got 5th and beat my last time by 2 seconds (about 1 min and I-forgot seconds)....slow.

I didn't do very much because my legs (as i said earlier) are messed up. . it's sad. So for the last 2 weeks in practice I've been using only my arms to swim, no legs (you use a bouy, a floatie that goes between your thighs or knees).

After the meet finished (22 events in all, with numerous my first event there were 19 heats, 8 lanes each. . that's 152 girls in all doing that event) we showered, got on the bus, stopped for lunch, got back on the bus rode for about 2 or 3 hours until we stopped for bathroom breaks and food if ya wanted it. Then it was back on the bus, and sleep for the next 4ish hours. . . fun. Doncha think??

The first day, i wasn't too happy with my "team mates," they can be REALLY hipocritical. . .grrr!!

Those buses can be really uncomfortable after afew hours, and they're not too great to sleep in. If you've got padding/cushions or something, and turn sideways, it's not too bad. or if you've got something to do. . . .*sigh*. . . .

So. . .so much for my first trip to Stl George. And probably my last for a long time. . . (at least a few years. . ) The last time I went anywhere close to that far south was in 7th grade. We went to Arches and Gremlin Valley. It was pretty fun. So was St. George, I'm glad I had Tyler & Caitey (wasn't as bad as we thought she'd be [!!!]) & Kelli (was ok, not very talky, as per-usual) & Sky (also not very talky) & Brian.

So. . . I'm sure you are totally enthralled with my little summary of the last 2 days. I'm sure. . . .

Until next time. . .


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