Thursday, May 21, 2009

),: senior blues :'(

OMG!!! so senior ball sucked... :'(
it was fun until right after dinner.
my dress fit all wonky....not wearing that dress anymore....unless i decide to lose a few pounds...
sarah complianed about how much she was disliking her date...and we tried to follow them up to the dance...but her date, like, deliberately tried to lose us! he kept pulling in front of these big trucks. GRRRR!!!!
so after a little bit of trying to find them, we realized he had taken us out to MURRAY!!! (friggin idiot!) so we decided we'd stop trying to keep up with them.
we finally got there...right before they were TAKING DOWN the spots for pictures!! >:( we were there for a little...and then we got to leave! ARRGGGHHHH!!!! so eventually we went back to my house (sarah had her date take her home) and we watched Marley & Me and ate cookies.
why did i even go??
Here's another thing.....the other day we had the senior pan pics (the big ones in front of the school with all the seniors). and guess who i saw!!!!!! ....i wanted to throw something...ANYTHING!!! his big, dumb head! GRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! kacee and mandy saw him and tried to talk to him..and he wouldn't talk back. (shock and amazment!!!)
it is my theory that he does not wish to speak to anyone from hunter he always says "leave the past in the past."
so i'm trying SSSOOOOOO hard to just forget about the big, dumb ape.... but that's pretty hard after giving 2 years to a relationship (where now i'm realizing what a $%@^&!# he was/is and how most of that relationship was me putting up with his crap!) long as i don't see him for a while....i'll be ok and probably won't end up killing somebody.. ;D
other than week has been...ok...... i've been sleeping a lot. which is odd for me. (i don't take naps)
and yesterday we went to the craft store so muh dad could get some loverly paint...and i found some awesome ribbon! which i bought, took home and made big (cute) bows out of. !!! (all i used was the ribbon, some little hair elastics, and a hot glue gun .....and glue, of course.) but you should see them! they are amazing!!!! AMAZING!!!!! :D
why so much drama???? :"C
i'm thinking i'm ready for this school year to come to the finale already.....


irish said...

did you two get your picture taken or were you too late? dating is not very fun--it's too stressful. i went w/a few different guys. i lived at the ywca in pocatello and this guy i didn't like sent me a big bouquet of flowers every day until the bottom floor of the ywca was covered w/flowers. the directors would say, "Where did all these flowers come from?" then he would change into a different nice outfit and walk around outside the ywca several times a day. the other girls would yell, "Iris, Stewart is back." he was from a wealthy banking family and had lots of money and nice clothes, but he was so boring and i can be boring, so it wasn't much fun. you can ask me about some more of them. but i'm sure it is stressful for the guys, too. your new friend sounds nice. maybe you can get a better-natured girl to go next time.

irish said...

also a better-sport of a date for the better-natured girl. i can tell you about the 2 military guys, the guy w/the black car, the one w/the motorcycle, the dairy farmer, the 4 guys at byu, the grocery guy, ralph and, of course, your grandfather--oh, i forgot my pen pal that i met, the navy ensign and i may think of some more--all stange stories--even your grandfather. should i write a book--i tell my friend stories about my life and she says i should write a book.

irish said...

my unasked for advise--have fun, go to school, get a wonderful job, go on a mission and when you're 30 years old like aunt christy, you'll find the perfect guy and, in the meantime, don't worry about guys.

irish said...

the is so long it could be the first chapter of my book. love you lots--grandma

irish said...

your new friend sounds very nice. can't wait to meet him.

heidi said...

Isn't it funny how didn't want to talk to anyone, but he went to the high school to be in the panoramic picture. That's weird.

I'm sorry Sr. Ball didn't go better. Oh well.

Grandma sure had lots of boyfriends, didn't she? I think I went out with a total of 10 guys when I was dating. I guess 10 was enough to find your dad, so it all worked out ok.