Sunday, June 7, 2009

i'm all edjerrcatudd! :)

so i was told in a bit of a round-about way that i need to write another entry in my that when my grandma decides to wake up at 1 in the morning and can't go back to sleep, she will have something to read....

so here goes....

SO I TOTALLY GRADUATED ON FRIDAY!!! i'm all edumacated! i gots a papur that tells me i am. :D i am totly smrt! go me!

and all of the loverly graduating class of 2009! we rock! i'm so glad we survived guys! it seems so weird....i keep thinking i'm going back next year...but...i'm not. it's gonna be so weird!


Bekah, Cameron, and Cayden said...

Congratulations Meagan. I am so proud of you!! I am sorry I missed your graduation party, but I hope ya know I still luv ya! ;) Again, congratulations, and soak up this summer as much as you can. It should be one of the best summers of you life!

irish said...

i'm so glad you are edumacated. i liked your blog message. you are very clever. write me some more stuff--like how was church w/your ward combing? how is your work at the dentist office? thank you for writing.

irish said...

whoops! spelled combining wrong--as in putting more than one thing together. not combing your hair.