Saturday, June 13, 2009

tHe sCotTish feStivAL

So the Scottish Festival was amazing!!

...even if it did rain almost the entire time...

It rained soo hard! I was soaked from about my waist toesies!! Frozen, dude!!

But it was so much fun anyway. I took my amazing friend....Pinky!!! She's amazing :]

We had lots of fun, I think...

I got some loverly t-shirts, and a guiness hat and stuff. Me likie! :D

We went and chilled with Dorian Mirth for a wee was cool! -->

We were soaked and frozen and our jeans were sticking to our legs....and our shoes were soaked thru. :'( I think this is the first year I've gone and I haven't gotten an heinous sunburn! Strangeness, there man! It was a rain-out.... hehe....

And I gots a cute pic of the wee mans! :D (In a kilt!!!) I never got one of Nana....
all welll....I'll get one later.

Until next time!!!

(P.S. Real men wear kilts!)

1 comment:

irish said...

it was fun to see you at the scottish festival. it looked like you had fun in spite of the rain and everything. you took some very nice pictures. when i first looked at D. on your pictures, i thought he was one of the wicked tinkers--then i saw yur brothers and knew who it was. how is your sickly dad today?