Thursday, September 24, 2009


so i've finally got an actual appointment for my wisdom teeth! i'm getting them out in exactly a week... wow... really soon. but then we've been trying to get it to work out for like a month or so... >:[

anyway.. i like this guy. he seems nice and calm and doesn't freak me out. he's really friendly. :)
now i just hope i can get friday off from work next week.... i don't really wanna go to work swollen and bruised (mb) and sore and stuff....... that would be a whole load of NO BUENO!

so i'll stuff myself with soft food and fudge cicles and have an ice back in each hand! :D
sounds like an awesome way to spend fall break, don't you think??

now to just get this week over with. it's finals and my last one is tomorrow... i hope i do well.. *hope hope*

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Rain, rain, rain

So it's been raining for the past 2 days off-and-on. It gets hot, then wet and cold.... it's sooo fun. But hey, that's Utah weather! School has been loverly. And Thor is still complaining... like usual. I got this MJ movie yesterday... which I started watching today. It's called Man In The Mirror. It's not too bad. The one I really want is this one that has more about his "childhood" and his bro Jermaine gave most of the info for the story. It's a really good one (from what I saw, which was like 1/2 of it). The sad thing is that I don't even remember what it's called. Something like The Jackson Story ... I think.

Anyway, so Amber found it while we were looking for The Count of Monte Cristo. I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!! So mb I'll have to go back and look later. Hmmmm....

and so if anything else new and exciting happens, I'll be sure to let you know... Til then... :)
(btw... Taylor is doing great. he's off helping fight fires again. still healing, but from what i hear he's doing good. He might even be coming down to SLC next month!!)

(this is at the campus) ^_^

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Oh... yeah.... the canyons..

We went with my family, and Kailien, Debbie, Tammie, and James yesterday. We had breakfast. It was pretty fun. I'll show some pics.
I took lots.... I've got a bunch on facebook..........


I'm feeling stressed out about everything these days...
school, boys, life.... mostly life and everything in it.
it's like it's almost too much to handle.

I hung out with Kacee, her friend Matt, Mandy and her bf Cody.Watching Mandy and Cody be all cutsy made me a little sad.... I WANT TO CUDDLE!!!! But it can't be with just anybody: I'm not one of those touchy-feely types of people. Why do I feel like I want someone to love me??

I know, I know... "I'm still young."

But it can really bum a girl down sometimes.... I feel lonely when I see these people -these cute, happy couples. Maybe it's just cuz I'm used to having someone... Even if that someone was a total jerk! >:[ I really don't think he liked me as much as he said... I think the big reason I was with him for so long is because I felt like there wasn't any other guy that would want me. All of my friends had a boyfriend.... or several in only a few month's time. But not me. I wanted someone that would make me feel wanted -and not just family. Don't get me wrong... family is great, but it's just not the same.

Someone to love me for me.... sometimes it's like family loves you cuz they have to. I know they really don't have to, but still... you're related. You have genetic similarities.... When you have someone that really does want you for you... (and not for that one thing) it's such a confidence booster. You feel needed...

Sometimes I just feel so confused. And I also know that if i tell all, I'm going to get hurt. I tend to keep myself more protected.... That way people only know what I want them to know.

I guess I know I'll have the right guy in time. I'll probably be married in a few years.... maybe... and I could even have kids.... isn't that a scary thought? But I know life will get easier. Harder before easier, but easier none the less. That thought is a little more comforting. I just have to find ways to de-stress... That should also help with my eczema and stuff.... :D

Well.. ttfn! Good day/Good nite! I love you guys. <3

Friday, September 4, 2009

Sun-Shiny Day

So today was very hot..... I'm not liking the sun. It's not nice to me! :(
I've got such fair skin... that I can't be outside for more than 10 minutes and not get burned! Even as i just walk out the door... I can feel my skin cooking! HOW GAY!!!! :'(

So I have to be a recluse in the shade... The problem with that is.... while I wait for the next class to start I would like to sit. I don't really want to be just wandering around for an hour. I sit and study for the next class... or text. So I usually go and sit on the grass or something.... well, last time the grass had just been watered... and I didn't know. I went around with a very wet butt the rest of the day! :'(

Then today I was sitting there...and they turned the sprinklers on! I had to move. Then the sprinklers went on there too! I was not very happy. >:(

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Meh..... A Guy :D

So it's getting late.... but I guess I can talk a bit.

I've been trying to figure out how to do the online math stuff --My Math Lab...
and I keep finding new things... and can't find the things I'd found earlier... hmmm... :(

I've been talking to Taylor for a while now. He seems like a pretty great guy.
He's better than a lot I know...
He's 23... a wild life firefighter... and has had a bit of a hard life.
I know my mom is going to love that I'm talking about him on here..... but I don't really care.
I've talked to him long enough... and I know that after talking to someone for a while you can figure out if they're being honest or not. By this point (if not before) they would have asked a lot of personal-ish questions... like I know a lot of guys ask about body measurements. (he never has) Or other things that would make ya pretty uncomfortable... he doesn't really do that.

He's told me about where he lives, his animals, his job, his friends. A little bit about what his family was like. He's a lot of fun to talk to.

We've decided that if we meet up... (which we just might in a few months) he'd come down here. He wants me to be as comfortable as possible about meeting him. He wants me with someone family. We'd be with friends. All that jazz. He's really sweet. :D

And I know that my mom loves that I'm talking to someone online.... but a lot of people meet online. (She even has 2... TWO in-laws that were met online. and she likes them fine enough.)

I have even talked to my loverly aunt.... BECKY!!! <3 I was feeling a tad stressed the other day... so I called her and talked to her about things. She helped a lot. ((thank you for that!!))
I knew she'd understand and be able to help me with it... It smoothed out a few bumps.

Another thing.... it is my opinion that my mother has started freaking out a little more lately cuz she's scared of losing me.... it really doesn't help that some of the girls in the neighborhood have been married (like 3 in the past 6 months) and she's been to all the receptions. Maybe she thinks I'm next???

Well... I've told her before and I'll tell her again... I'm not exactly planning on getting married too soon. If/when it happens... it happens. Just go with the flow until then. :)
That's about all you can do.... that or nag. (which can get really old, btw ;) )

(P.S. Mom... I know you're gonna be reading this sometime.... and I love you! Even if you do drive me nuts sometimes... Isn't that part of what family is for?? LOL...)