Tuesday, October 6, 2009

PAIN!!! >:'[

so my mouth hurts. my right side is puffy and bruises started showing up yesterday morning... FOUR DAYS AFTER THE SURGERY!! i still can't open my mouth all the way. i hope that i will be able to soon. i'd love to be able to CHEW again! i haven't had normal food in almost a week! i'm going nuts. my teeth feel rather sensitive... and it's really hard to brush my teeth. i went to class yesterday, and couldn't take lortab cuz i had to drive to my classes.

everything was pissing me off. some idiot couldn't decide if they wanted to get over or not and decided the last second they wanted to turn left at the intersection! they jerked right in front of me and almost hit me!!!! friggin idiots!!!!!!! they turned up 48th and i was yelling at them through the windsheild. (that didn't help my jaw to feel any better, btw.) i screamed that if they turned into my neighborhood.. i would ram them with my car!!!! they are horrible drivers. they swayed a lot, too... lucky for them they kept going straight when i got to turn.

i came home and slept f0r and hour because my math class had been canceled. but of course they couldn't TELL me that! no. i go there and see a NOTE on the stupid DOOR of the classroom! i come home and look at my emails. they didn't send a message until about 4 pm. MY CLASS STARTED AT 2!!!!!! come on!

yesterday sucked.

after my nap i went to chem, my last class of the day. there were these 2 women sitting behind me complaining the entire time about how dumb they thought the prof was cuz he messed up on balancing an equation. or cuz he wrote the wrong word on the board and went back and fixed it. hey! at least he caught it, right?! i wanted to turn and yell at them! they had to be about 25 or so. it's like, really guys?!? grow up! if you hate this class so much, LEAVE! i don't want to listen to you two. that's not why i'm here and in pain and trying not to fall asleep in class. i sooo wanted to smack them! really?? they're in college, they're adults, and they probably have kids that are brats because of them.

sadly, i didn't turn around and yell at them. my cheek is swollen, so i don't think they'd understand me too well. and i know they would have said something about how i look. they're kinda bimbos, i've decided. i really don't like them. actually... they weren't even that attractive. well, the blond wasn't anyway. her hair looked fried and fake. hmmm.... :S

needless to say. YESTERDAY SUCKED!!! there was too much construction on redwood and north temple. i could barely make it on to redwood!

all this, and i was STARVING! i ended up going to KFC and getting mashed potatoes. that, at least, i could eat. i finally make it home and took a lortab. my face was in so much hurt. i really hate this.

i only have 3 lortab left. think it will last me til thursday? probably not. i need to call dr. stoker.

this pain business sucks. i really better be feeling better in at least a week! :'(

oh.. and work today. yay... *rme* if anyone touches my face, i'm gonna hurt them. just watch me. GRRR..... >:[


heidi said...

Poor Meagie. It will get better eventually. (Hopefully sooner rather than later!) I love you!

irish said...

did you take your blood pressure today? i'll bet it was high from all the stress and pain. i hope you feel better soon. i love you and pray for you every day.

M3@9@N said...

uhm... no i haven't taken it... lol. you are so funny. :)

Beckle the Freckle said...

:( Sadness! I will bring you something yummy and squishy, okay?

irish said...

this is 10-11--aunt holly's 45th b-day and you have not written for 5 days, so assuming you are feeling much better. i hope so. let me know.