Friday, January 22, 2010

AB-solutely aching :(

well... i guess it means it's working if my muscles hurt. i'm just glad that it's only one area at a time. like the other day it was my arms. and before that it was my thighs.

but right now it happens to be my abs!

we started our assessments yesterday. i did 25 sit-ups and 35 push-ups (we had to count how many we could do in a minute). we also got our weight, BMI, hydration and a few other things that i'm not sure what they mean.

for girls a healthy hydration is between 50 and 60%. i was at 49.8%. DUDE!!! i think it was because i had to go before class.... but maybe i'm just a tad dehydrated?

i'm kinda in the healthy range.... one thing said i'm obese. :( but paula said that it could be wrong cuz muscle weighs more than fat. so i think that's what it really is. ;)

all i want is to get toned. back in shape. i bet if i were to go and swim for 2 or so hours a day again then i would be back pretty fast. but it's been like over a year (mb year and 1/2?)..... wow. a long time!

anyway. it hurts to spit, cough, sneeze, laugh, bend, stretch, try to pick things up. you wouldn't think you use your abs that much, but just trying to sit up kills!! :'(

all well. you know what they say-- "beauty is pain" ...... right?


irish said...

you and david jason will be the toniest people in the world after all this exercising. david jason said in his yoga class last week, they spent the class eating 2 raisins. they had to smell, feel, taste and whatever else the raisins. then in another class they talked about how important it is to eat a hearty breakfast. ever since i was young, they said: eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. gpa and i always eat a good breakfast. like wwheat toast, egg, grapefruit or banana, grape juice, milk==maybe grapes or fresh pineapple. then another day oatmeal, milk, fresh fruit and grape juice or wwheat toast w/pnut or almond nut butter and jam, milk, fresh fruit and grape juice.

irish said...

have a happy, pain free day. lots of love

M3@9@N said...

yeah... toned is good. i just can't wait til the pain goes away!!! :'(

Anonymous said...

i think you are wonderful, meagan, and everything you say is very, very marvelous and inciteful (sp). you never say anything that is stupid or dorky. your gpa in over 50 years has never told me i ever said or did anything that wasn't wonderful and marvelous and intelligent. he has always made me feel good about myself. i was at a very low place in my life when i met him. my dad had died only 3 years before, my sister and only sibling was brain dead and i stuttered and was a teenager. look for someone who builds you up at every turn. you are lovely and fantastic and i love you and want the very, very best for you. sorry for the unwanted advice, but i worry about you and want you to be happy.

M3@9@N said...

hehe.... thanks anonymous. i've been trying to figure out if i know who you are... and i probably do.... but i just can't think of who you are.........hint?

heidi said...

I'm definitely going to have to have you show me your exercises, Meagie!
Don't they have a swimming pool at the school you could swim in a couple of times a week if you wanted to?
I would not say you're obese. I'd say you're just about right.
Also - 1 hour to eat 2 raisins? In yoga? That's weird!

M3@9@N said...

haha... yeah. i know. i think i'm a healthy weight. it'd just be nice to be a little more toned.... not feel all shrimpy? anyway.... i guess i'll have to show you the way to do crunches and whatever else... :)