Sunday, January 31, 2010

"It's Ggrreeaattt To Staay Up Llaatteeee!!"

(hehe... i love this pic!!)

I love that movie! (Singin in the Rain, NOT Twilight! Eww!!)

It's really late, but I don't really feel like going to sleep.... Hmmmm..... :\

I've been de-junking my room... I've gotten lots of stuff out. And I'm STILL deciding what else I could do without.... (I bet there is a ton of stuff I could live without... but I kinda LIKE some of this stuff! Like Minnie Mouse that I've had for AGES! She's all faded and her dress is a very light pink. it's not red or pink or whatever it used to be.... But I still love her. Even if I don't carry her all over these days!)

I guess now that I've got my bed cleaned off I should head off to see if I could get these sheepies to help me catch a few Z's.... I wonder how good sheep are at playing fetch?! Or maybe it's more like a retriever? (Is that even spelled right? It looks wrong... All well, I'm tired and don't care)

Ok, I'm gonna go train a few sheep in any case! Good Night anyone who might be reading this.... Although I think it probably isn't a terribly big # of people. (OH..... If you haven't heard about it yet, go check out "sleep talkin man" blog. It's a hoot! you can just google it if you want! )


Anonymous said...

i enjoy your blogs, but dark purple on black is more than my old artificial eyes can manage, same. are you a night owl or can't you sleep? sometimes i can't sleep. i don't know why some nights i can sleep clear thru the nights and sometimes not. i thought it was being old, but since you are 52 years younger then i, i guess that's not the problem.

Anonymous said...

sweet dreams tonite. hope you get at least 8 hours of zzz's tonite.

heidi said...

If you can't read purple on black, highlight the type. It's alot easier to read that way. That's what I had to do!