Sunday, August 8, 2010

When in Trouble or in Doubt...

Now that I'm a manager, I'm working almost every day of the week. I think I still have Sundays & Wednesdays off. Although this week Wednesday is Lagoon day for my work. I'm not going because of my neck. It's probably fine, but I would want to go on all the roller coasters and I'm not totally sure if that's such a good idea yet. I didn't think my neck would take a few months to get back to normal. It's almost there (YAY!) so I should be able to go on lots and lots of rides the end of the month! Awesome! :D

About working all week, this is pretty much my schedule for the week:
Monday- open
Tuesday- open
Wednesday- close
Thursday- open
Friday- open
Saturday- open

Yup...Busy, busy, busy.

Kacee says that tonight there's going to be a PARADE OF ZOMBIES in Salt Lake! How awesome is that?! I would love to go and see what it's like. She says she can't find where they are meeting. :'( It's kinda like an early Halloween! (^_^)

Also I told Zac (the guy I have recently started dating) that I'm going to try to look giry tomorrow... We'll see how that goes. :\ I don't think it's gonna be uber girly... I'll take pics. It'll be different. Especially being I usually just wear jeans & a t-shirt. They're muh favorite!

Zac met my family yesterday. A few days ago he'd met Cameron & Amber & Kacee, but everyone else wasn't there (well, Jarom was. but he was downstairs watching a movie & didn't want to go to the park). He said he likes them & it didn't feel all awkward like it does sometimes.

They seemed to like him, which is good. I guess we'll see how well this goes. :)

Kacee was telling me that she's going to go to Club Chaos probably next Saturday... I was thinking about going, but I seriously don't think I would do well in a crowded dance club. :( I hate big crowds. I hate being in the crowd. I can't breathe in the middle of groups. I hate it, I really do.

So that right there, pretty much decided for me. Yup. Isn't it great being claustrophobic? Yeahh.... :\ And the fact that I don't like being touched by random strangers. I'm sure there'd be a lot of that going on, too.

All well. I can live w/o going to the club.
Maybe we'll have our own dance club thing... Without the crowd. LOL.. We still haven't had our MJ/chocolate cake party! (Mental sticky note: NEVER invite Uncle John to ANYTHING MJ related... I think he hates me now...)

If you don't know the story, we were at Uncle Devon's party & I was wearing my Off The Wall t-shirt. We were all talking in the kitchen & eating. John noticed my shirt & started going off. He said he thought I was a good kid. Then started going off on how much he HATES Michael Jackson... All I could do was smile & nod. I looked at Becky, who gave me an equally awkward glance. She told him that it's a good thing he'd dead then, huh? Then later mentioned something about never wearing an MJ shirt around Uncle John... *sigh* (-_- )

I never said he had to like him. It's fine with me if he doesn't. Just don't hate me cuz I do. There really isn't anything wrong with that. Is there?

My mom tried to come in as backup... and said he's got some good music. John didn't agree. He said he's never liked his music. Yet, MJ has done tons to influence the music of today. There are TONS of songs that have little bits taken from him/his stuff. Lots of r&b, rap, or hiphop artists have used his stuff. Rihanna, LL CoolJ, Akon... Other groups from other genres have done covers. Alien Ant Farm did Smooth Criminal.

You can't say he isn't just a teeny-tiny bit awesome! Can you? Even if you do. I don't really care. That's your opinion. Your entitled to it. As am I to mine.

Today I heard something in church that I thought was cute. The guy down the street (John Davis) said that his favorite proverb is:

When in trouble or in doubt- run in circles, scream and shout.

It went with today, because we didn't have a Sunday School teacher. So they weren't sure that to do. They pretty much just winged the lesson. It actually wasn't that bad.


Beckle the Freckle said...

Yeahhhh, I had to leave before I ripped Uncle John a new one. He was being such a jerk! And he was being so rude to you. Sometimes it's best to keep your opinions to yourself. Especially at a family party! What happened to not saying anything if you can't say something nice? Sheesh.

We are totally having our MJ chocolate cake party...if you ever have a day off that we can do it! :)

Don't forget that I love you, I think you are awesome, and MJ is cool. :) *MWAH!*

irish said...

i am one day exactly younger than uncle john and i always liked MJ music--i always liked the jackson 5--they were a cute bunch. don't let uncle john get to you. maybe he learned to hassle people from all his years in the navy. if he doesn't like something that i do, i just ignore him the best i can. most of the time he is a nice guy. is this zac boy the guy from somewhere else? i love you, meagan. you are just perfect in my eyes. can i come to the MJ choco cake party when i get well--just so you don't play his music as ear splitting as it was at disneyland?

irish said...

shall i ask cousin marv if he will play an MJ request on his radio station or do you want to? tell me the song you want to hear and we'll see what he says.

M3@9@N said...

YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! We should listen to Leave Me Alone!!! Or Earth Song!!! I love those songs! Heehee! And of course you can come to our par-tay grandma! That would be awesome!

I was trying not to say anything... Ugh. I totally agree with "if you can't say anything nice..."

I think I have Friday off next week...

And Zac is the guy I've recently started dating... ^_^ He doesn't live too far from me.

heidi said...

Woo hoo! I'm following your blog now. Whatever that means.