Monday, September 20, 2010


I've been sewing a lot lately. I'll have to take pictures of everything when I finish. I made a dress (it looked cute, but kept sliding up & poofing out. O_o not good) so I changed it into just a skirt. I made a prairie skirt(can you say GATHERING?!) that is black & white poka dots. (I found out Zac doesn't like poka dots. He says they're unnatural. Silly boy.) Another skirt that is blue with white swirly design. Next I'm going to make Zac a pair of pj pants. He's very picky about material when it comes to designs. Haha. There was one he found he actually likes (!!!). It kinda looks like water. So I guess I'll start on that sometime soon. After than I think I'll try making a maxi dress. I found a free pattern in the cloth section at the cutting table at the Walmart. It looks pretty easy. (Sweet!) We'll see how it all turns out.

I will take pictures and post them in the next bloggage. :)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Asian Eyes

For some reason more and more people are asking if I'm part Asian (usually Vietnamese). They say I have sort-of slanty eyes. The first time someone asked was just a few months ago (maybe only like a month?). I do believe I mentioned it in one of my bloggings... Maybe that was facebook? Both? Pretty sure the latter. This girl (while I was at work) asked what I am. She thought German/Vietnamese. I said no. I'm not Asian at all. Maybe really really really far back. (Like my dad says he found some link in the line to Attila the Hun... I think that's who he said). If that's the case then I must be very recessive in my genes. The red hair, the pale skin, the freckles, bluegreen eyes....and "slanty" eyes. Zac's roommate Chris & his girlfriend Rhianna both asked him if I'm part Asian. At different times. How weird is that? Anyway, I'm more Polish and Danish. Very Scandinavian. And the Celtic stuff. Love the Celtic stuff. Funny that I don't look very Polish. What do you guys think? What nationality do I resemble the most? (Don't say American, cuz there isn't really a set of traits that is just American! LOL)

We're having a bunch of work meetings coming up in the next few weeks. There's a manager's meeting. A complex meeting. Not sure if there's going to be a meeting for all of skate or not, yet. I'm pretty sure that at the manager's meeting we're going to talk about what is going on in October! AND we're talking about COSTUMES! I'm so excited! I've been thinking about themes today! Can't wait to see what we come up with! I really hope the guys will not be lame and will actually dress up this year!

I want to go get some material and make a tanktop dress (or tshirt dress). I could just use one of the shirts I already have. I just need skirt material. :]

Friday, September 10, 2010

Ideas For A Halloween Costume!

OK guys... I've got a few ideas, but I'm not sure what I want to do. HELP!

So what do you think I should be? Here's what I've got so far:

-Harley Quinn (I want that dress I've posted on FB!)
-Mermaid (Ariel... when she's in human form. I like the blue peasanty dress she has)
-Fairy (probably cute dress+wings)
-Sally (but Dana's apparently doing yeah)
-40s (like victory rolls and a vintage dress)
-Greek Goddess (toga! toga!)
-Pippy Longstockings (but idk....)

I'm sure there are other things... But I'm liking the 40s or Harley. Or the Fairy.
Give me ideas on what you think would be good for me!!!!

(UPDATE! Zac just said he might go as Rockula! It's rocker+Dracula! That would be AWESOME! Hahahah! Yeah!)

Ideas! Questions? Comments! Leave them for me!!!! ^_^ Halloween is coming up soon! Let me know what you are going to be too! :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Pressure & Stress is the Common Cold of the Psyche

~Andrew Denton

Vampires Suck was pretty good. I think near the end they were trying a little hard... but still. The only characters that had the same names were Jacob & Edward. Bella becomes Becca....

I have decided that since I am getting sick and Zac thinks he'll DIE if he tries the cleanse, I'm not going to do it this week. Not sure when I'm actually going to do it. My prof says that it's not very fun (DUH! I could've guessed that.) She keeps saying "Love your liver." That's why she has it posted (the cleanse). If anyone feels brave enough to try it. She also gave us an assignment for the next week. All we have to do is eat 2 servings of fruit & 4 servings of veggies a day. Not very hard. :)

Next week my anatomy professor will be in the Arctic Circle. He's going to get him some caribou! How special is he?! He was also telling us about this time when he was still getting his degree and his friend wanted to go hang gliding. They were just jumping off 10-15 ft sand dunes. His friend that talked him into it went first. (They had an instructor teaching them how to do it.) He went off & when he landed, he just stayed there. He didn't move. They called down to him to see if he was alive... He was. He called back that he needed help. Turns out he had tried to brace himself for the land and ended up breaking his left collar bone & his right humorous. Lucky him! He had one arm strapped to his side. The other was in a cast from the shoulder to the wrist. It wasn't that he was a graduate student that worried my professor... It was the fact that he was going to have some issues with hygiene! He decided his (the friend's) girlfriend should do it. She ended up getting her mom to help.

NOW... What does that have to do with class? He was telling us before he went into the story that the most commonly fractured bone is the clavicle (collar bone). It's just there for support & when you try to catch yourself when you fall, you use your arms. The clavicle is attached to the shoulders... I think you understand & know where I'm going.

As for how fast Halloween is coming up on us... FREAKY FAST! I'm still not completely sure what I'm going to be. I still have to convince Zac he does, in fact, want to dress up! Hasn't happened yet. It will. *wink wink*

I've got this cute little guy... Courtesy of Jarom.

I have also decided that I'm not liking yoga very much. My knees hurt. She had us do this modernized pigeon pose. I don't like pigeon pose. This one was better, but bad knees don't go well with kneeling down a lot. :'( It hurts to try to squat down to, say, pick something up off the ground. Lame sauce.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Curiouser & Curiouser

I kinda started the cleanse today. All I've eaten so far today is rice & green beans with carrots. . . and the apple juice. My stomach has been feeling all weird today. :( I've been wanting a big sugar cookie all day! You know the big ones with the pink frosting and the spinkles?! Yeah. I was lying there in yoga thinking about how yummy that would be. LOL. :P

Zac's input: I will DIE if I do it. ("I" being him.)

I think I'm putting it off. . . I'm gonna see what my professor says tomorrow. Sounds good to me. ;)

Also. Today we found out that Zac's baby mama is crazier than we thought. We thought she was just stupid. BUT it's way worse! So he's pretty much gonna get her.

We are also going to go see Vampires Suck today. So I'm going to go call them in a minute to get signed up! It should be good.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Liver/Gallbladder Cleanse

On my Nutrition class webpage, there is a liver cleanse. So I'm pretty sure she's going to have us do it. I told Zac; he decided he would do it with me. Even if it's optional, he wants us to do it. I guess I'm stuck doing it.

This is it:

The liver flush requires 6 days of preparation, followed by 16-20 hours of actual cleansing. You will need the following items:

-six 1-liter (32 oz) of apple juice (organic is best if available)
-4 tablespoons Epsom salts (this will be dissolved in 8 oz of water)
-1/2 cup (4 oz) of cold pressed olive oil
-2/3 cup (6 oz) of fresh squeezed pink grapefruit juice, or a combination of fresh orange & lemon juice
-6-8 glasses of water per day
-2 pint jars with lids

Drink 1 liter of apple juice per day for 6 days. avoid drinking during, just before, and within the first 2 hours after eating.

Dietary recommendations: for the entire week, avoid cold or chilled foods. all food & beverages should be warm or room temperature. Avoid foods from animal sources, dairy products, and fried foods. Avoid overeating.

Best time for cleansing: over a weekend so that you have time to relax. Preferable to begin after a full moon (body tends to hold more fluid in the brain & tissues during full moon).

Medications: try not to take any medications, vitamins, or supplements during the flush unless absolutely necessary. it is important not to over work the liver.

Colon cleanse: it is important to have a colon cleanse before & after the liver cleanse. This will prevent the oil & waste from backing up into the stomach & will prevent/minimize discomfort.

On the sixth day: drink the liter of apple juice in the morning soon after awakening. If hungry, you may eat a light breakfast such as oatmeal. Avoid sugars or sweeteners, spices, dairy of any kind, meat, eggs, or pastries. Fruit is fine. For lunch eat only steamed vegetables & rice with minimal salt. Do not eat any protein foods or fats (meat, nuts, butter, oils, etc). Follow the exact schedule below.

6:00 pm Add 4 tbl of Epsom salt to a total of 24 oz of filtered water in a jar. This makes four 6 oz servings. Drink first serving now. May add a little lemon juice to improve the taste & using a straw often helps. If this is just too difficult for you, you may try using magnesium citrate at the same dosage.

Set out citrus friut you will be using later to warm up.

8:00 pm Drink second serving of Epsom salts

9:30 pm If you have not had a bowel movement by now & you have NOT had a colon cleanse in the past 24 hours, take a warm water enema to trigger a series of bowel movements.

9:45 pm Wash your grapefruits (or lemons & oranges) and squeeze them to produce at least 6 oz (3/4 c) of juice. Pour juice and 1/2 c of olive oil into pint jar. Secure lid and shake until solution is watery (about 20 times). If you still need to use the bathroom, do it now before drinking the mixture.

10:00 pm Stand next to your bed (do not sit or lay down) and drink the solution, if possible, without interruption. Do not take more than 5 minutes to complete this step.


Lie perfectly still for about 20 minutes and try not to speak. Focus your attention on your liver and visualize the releasing of the stones. Relax and go to sleep if you can. You may use the restroom during the night if you need to.

6:00-6:30 am Upon awakening, but not before 6:00 am, drink your 3rd serving of Epsom salts. If you are thirsty, drink a glass of water BEFORE drinking the salts. Rest, read, or meditate at this time. If you are sleepy, go back to bed although it is best if you can remain upright during this time.

8:00 am Drink your 4th serving of salts.

10:00 am You may have fresh pressed juice at this time, in 1.2 hours you may have one or two pieces of fresh friut. In one hour, you may eat a light meal. Continue to eat light meals for about 2-3 days.

Ugh... I really don't think I want to do this! (-_- ) I don't think Zac realizes what he's gotten into. I tell him bunny food. But I really mean bunny food. Ugh... Double ugh...

This is going to be hard.

Very hard. (-_- )