Sunday, November 28, 2010


So today is my birthday! (Well.... It's now after midnight, so I guess that means yesterday was...) I am now out of my teens. o_O

It has snowed ALL DAY. I got an email from my aunt saying she sent me snow for my birthday and did I get it? Hahaha! ^_^

It's getting so deep!!! I'd guess around 1 1/2 feet.

Today I went to church with the fam & Zac. In relief society I actually sat in the middle. Not off to the side of in the very back (only cuz it was full). The RS pres asked if there was anyone new in the ward and said I didn't look familiar. She asked me to introduce myself. I was like, I'm Meagan Vernon and I've been in the ward since I was 7 years old.... I think most of the ladies in there laughed. Although, I am from the old Valley View ward and she was from Mountain View... So I guess I can cut her some slack (even though I've been there almost every week since the 2 wards combined). She said it's probably just her cuz someone went to her house the other day from the ward to drop something off at her house. She had to ask who they were... Haha.

Anyway, after church we came home and ate sandwiches. The boys did sacrament for some of the old people in the ward that are house-ridden. Then I took Jarom over to get his Eagle Scout project papers (permission?) signed and took Zac to his place so he could change into something other than church clothes. We went back to pick Jarom up, but he wasn't coming out... Turns out it didn't take very long and he ended up walking home. :\

When we got back we hung out for a bit, then played Apples to Apples. Then had dinner. It was fettuccine alfredo with chicken! We had broccoli, too! :)

Mom was feeling sickly so Zac and I made the cake, then Zac & Jarom played machine hunters for a bit while Cameron helped with the frosting. It was poisonous cake with cream cheese frosting. The sprinkles were turtles and "tropical" fish. We took pictures (on Zac's phone, so I need him to send them to me...).

While we were waiting for the cake to finish & while we were eating it we watched The Man Who Knew Too Little. Zac had never seen it before, and we were talking about it before we started making the cake. So we figured, why not.

I took Zac home and Amber went along for the ride. The snow is so deep! It was up to the tops of my boots... and I was still on top of some still! I'm sure it's deeper now. It's still snowing.

And that's how my day went. I think it was nice.

1 comment:

irish said...

sounds like you had a very nice birthday. hanging out at church w/family and friends and at home after sounds like the nicest way to spend a day. happy new year sweet meagan.