Wednesday, January 12, 2011


So Zac and I were watching Dinner for Schmucks the other day. I had to show him some Flight of the Concords stuff... He decided he liked Jemaine more with the beard and long hair. Haha!

He also told me some of my sense of humor is a little weird. (For example I like them, and Mr. Bean... among other things.) However, there are plenty of things I like that he does, too. Then some stuff he likes that I think is kinda.... blah?

I found out today that I don't have to take the chem lab with the lecture. They are "separate" and I can take them at different times. Considering I took it before and I passed the lab with an A-, but the lecture I needed a C+ and got a C... I have to take the lecture anyway. I think it's kind of stupid to take the lab again if I don't have to. Don't you?

Alie sent me a text today after I got out of class saying she needs me to work on Saturday morning at 7:45... in the MoRnInG o.O On the schedule it says 11am. I have to be there 3 1/4 hours early! She wants me to control the scoreboard for hockey, when the only thing I know is (kind of) how to change it back to the clock setting. And that takes a bit of time for me to remember what to do.

She says they'll tell me what to do. They better be patient. Especially considering I don't wake up that early anymore. Ever. (Ok.. the rare occasion when I randomly wake up at, say, 4am. But I go back to sleep!) It's a good thing I didn't have anything planned in the morning that day, huh?

At least more hours = more green in the pink bunny wallet.

And now I should probably go to bed so I will wake up for my 12 o' clock class tomorrow, huh? :P

hugs&kisses <3


irish said...

You are a very busy young lady. And a very beautiful and fun to be with fabulous young lady. Love you lots.

Beckle the Freckle said...

"They call me the Hiphopopotamus, my lyrics are bottomless......"

Hee hee. :) Only cool people like FOTC and Mr. Bean. Therefore we are cool. Besides, I don't think Jemaine having facial hair or not having facial hair makes him any more or less amazing. He is awesome in all his incarnations! He is Jemaine!

Good luck in schooly school. And we need to play sometime soon. Love you! <3

M3@9@N said...

We totally need to play soon!!!!

I had those lyrics stuck in my head yesterday and Zac had no idea what I was talking about. Jarom, I had to tell him and he was like "OH YEAH!" haha....

When is you free??? do you have my (new-ish) phone #? Is your phone working yet??

heidi said...

So, how did work go on Saturday? I don't think you told me...