Friday, February 11, 2011


Boyfriend finally got a call back today from Convergys! He's got a job doing inbound calls and the like. He's uber excited!

I'm rather glad, too. Now he can stop being depressed that "no one will hire him."
He starts Monday for training.

I called Carma today about my not receiving my certificate(s) for dental assisting. She says the reason is because it's been very busy there: open house yesterday, midterms today... But don't stop calling til I have it!

Agh! It's getting old trying to get her to send it to me.
She also said that they are using a new system and they have to figure out how to print the stupid things out. They have to get me in their system and get all the right logos in the right places and all that jazz. **roll my eyes**

My job is ok lately. Djuana and I came in today because there was supposed to be an elementary coming in again, but apparently the agreement they had with Jim ended last week? I don't know. What I do know is that we sat there for an hour today and got paid to do it.

I also am not sure if I'm supposed to be going in tomorrow at 8 to do hockey scoreboard or not. I asked Mrs. Boss-man and she wasn't sure. She said she would check with Jim, but I haven't heard back since. If I don't hear back, then I will assume that they don't need me. On the plus side I won't have to go in super early just to leave and come back again at 5.

Being I work tomorrow night the boys played Zombies last night at Boyfriend's. They've been doing it every Saturday night for a while now. They have fun doing it. Sometimes Amber goes & sometimes she doesn't.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Feeling Sickly

I think it started (really) yesterday? My throat started feeling icky the day before...

I woke up this morning and my throat felt so yucky and like it was closing. I have had to start icing my neck again. It feels so stiff. It keeps popping. It's giving me a headache. My ears were ringing part of the day yesterday, too.

Today I have felt a little light-headed, headache-y, my neck where it connects to my head hurts, parts of my back randomly hurt. On top of all that my knees decided to act up and want attention, too!

Boyfriend was lovely and rubbed out my neck. It was lovely. ^_^ It helped for a bit.

I had a wee fever when I got up today and felt very warm. I put my hair up & hair-sprayed it (my aussie hairspray smells like grapes!) but the hairspray smell lingered and messed with my headache. :(

I couldn't remember if I had my chem test today or not. I get there and was SO happy when I found out it was just a review day! The test is next week.

I was feeling much better and took boyfriend to his doctor appointment. Turns out his MRI for his knees came back as normal. He got blood taken, which came out as normal. He is going to go see ortho about the knees (and shoulder? don't remember) and a dermatologist about why he keeps breaking out on his arm. Also going to get some (more) lipomas removed... I'm sure he'll be SO thrilled I'm telling you this. Haha... :) Other than that, they don't know why his knees are acting up and what's wrong with them. At least his shoulder they have some idea. Probably just didn't completely heal right from the 4 surgeries done on it. Found out one of the reasons he had stuff done to it was it had been fractured. He hadn't been told that before. You'd think they'd have mentioned it....

My head is starting to feel unpleasant again, and even thought I took cough stuff. :(

I hate being sick.

I should go ice my neck again...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I just finished writing my journal post #2 for psychology and emailed it in! It's due in about 23 hours, so now I don't have to hurry and write it all tomorrow morning before class. Woot!

I (hopefully) am getting paid tomorrow (and getting w2s??). I should be getting my certificates (finally!) for dental assisting. My mom has been bugging me about seeing Carma for the past almost 2 years, and Zac for most of the time we have been dating (which will be 6 months on the 9th!!!!)

Cameron wanted to go back to GTI after his field trip thingy to Sundance got over early. He thought it would take all day, but it didn't and so he wanted me to give him a ride up there. (He wanted to go to the last little bit of class.) Zac told me since I was already going to be up there, I might as well see if I could talk to her about it. She was still there and I found my stuff and she said she would finish the last bit of paperwork and submit it to the state. I should be getting it by Friday. That should make it lots easier to get a dental assisting job! :) (don't need the certificate to actually be an assistant, but I'd rather have it. Zac says he'd feel better if I had it than working without it.)

I have to wake up and read about my part of the neuron (the release, binding, and up-take) for our "interpretive dance" we are supposed to be doing in our groups tomorrow for psychology. Interpretive dance... weird.

Also, on Tuesday I found out that the chemicals at work in your brain when you are in the first stages of love (aka infatuation/lust) are very similar in composition to certain drugs... the chemicals at work are dopamine (similar structure to cocaine), norepinephrine (vid said noradrenaline, similar structure to meth), and phenylethylamine (similar to chocolate). So it's like you are on cocaine, meth and chocolate when you are infatuated with someone. How weird!?!? hahaha...

This state of mind can last for up to 4 years! When it wears off, if it's not really love, then you get the "what the heck was I thinking" situation. When it's really love, you have oxytocin and dopamine working in your frontal lobes!

A guy in class asked that if that was the case, that couldn't you hypothetically make a love potion out of those drugs? The instructor decided that that class could get dangerous. Hahaha

Well, good night all you coke-meth-choco heads!