Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Once Again

I have decided I need to go see a dentist. I'm thinking I might have a cavity. o_O
I really hope not, but it happens. Gah!

The thing is, I don't have any insurance... The last several times I tried, I would get a letter in the mail saying I was still covered under my parents. Then I would stop trying to get coverage and they would tell me I am not covered. How stupid are they?? grrr...

They would say I wasn't covered because I was 18. Then say I was still covered until I turned 19. Back and forth and back and forth!

So I just gave up for a while. Luckily they actually DID still cover me when I got my wisdom teeth out (that was the October before I turned 19).

I think it might be safe now to try it again. Being I'm 20 and they can't be obnoxious in that sense. I just don't want to wait on the phone for 2 hours. The ridiculous thing is that most of that 2 hours was spent on hold! Stupid people!!!

I really hope it works out. I would just go to SLCC, but all they do is like check-ups and stuff. They don't do fillings. If I need a filling(s) they won't be any use. :(

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Goings On

Why does the boss like to ask last minute if I can come in super early the next day? I got a call at 11:30-ish asking if I would come in at 8 tomorrow. I went in 3 hours early today. I would be going 3 hours early tomorrow, too. --That is IF I had said yes.

I'm not. I'm finishing a few things. Then going in.

8 might not be early to some of you out there... but it's early for me! I don't like mornings.

I guess they're (my family, Becky, etc.) aren't going to the Holi Festival of Colors tomorrow being it's supposed to rain. What's the point of throwing colored chalk at each other if it's raining and you can't exactly throw the chalk?? Ehh....

Today boyfriend and I went to buy him some kitchen stuffs. Like pots & pans & cooking utensils & such. ((one of his roommates took all the cooking pans and stuff downstairs and won't let anyone use them... granted they are her's, but she's being ridiculous lately and complaining about everything. she offers all her stuff to the new people, then she gets mad that someone has been using her stuff.... why offer if you don't want them to use your soap or drink your soda--that you claim you don't drink anyway--or anything else?? simple solution. don't offer!))

So getting him new stuff was uber fun! You don't even know how fun it was! Hahaha...

I have also decided what I am getting Dad for his birfday! It's being shipped. :)

Friday, March 11, 2011

** FiNaLlY **

I finally got my Dental Assisting certificate, but it got my name SO. WRONG.

"Megan Vernan"

*facepalm* I even wrote my name ON the ENVELOPE. Everything in my stuff has the SAME SPELLING! How do you screw that up?! Grrr.... >8[

I found the PERFECT cake for boyfriend!!! It's so cute!! I think he would LOVE IT! These are some of the other ones I found...

I'm sure you have heard about the earthquake in Japan. Boyfriend has family that is in N. Japan. He stayed up most of the night wondering if they were ok and what was going on. He said his cousin got online (probably via his cell phone) and said that the only problem was that they had no power. That's good. :)

He also gained a step dad today! His mom and her long-time bf tied the knot today. It's good that they all like him. He didn't like his last one (the dad of his siblings).

I work most of the day tomorrow. I have a meeting in the morning, then go back a few hours later... Woot..

Sunday, March 6, 2011


So I have to do a paper and presentation for my psychology class. I found a topic (it's for psychology in the media) about germs/germaphobes when it comes to staying in hotels from CNN. But I think I am going to get a lot more out of a different article from the NY Times about eating disorders. Although when I read it it seemed to be more about how so-and-so M.D. or Mr. Ph.D can change America's eating habits virtually over night by, for example, saying that meat is very bad for you and will kill you if you eat too much of it. When in the first place people have been eating tons of meat for years and never had much of a problem with it. *sigh*

I'm getting kind of bored of classes... Sometimes psychology is cool. I really liked the other day talking about memory. She talked about ways to make your memory better. She said that you have to sleep because that's the only time the hippocampus really starts doing it's thing. It's the one that does the sorting and storing and remembering bits. If you don't sleep you don't really store any new information. What you store in your memory is only about 7 items (plus or minus 2). There are ways of "cheating" like with phone numbers. You chunk.

Chunking would be like remembering a phone number. Instead of remembering them all as separate numbers (ex 8017463524) you put them into groups which make them all units of info. So with 801-555-1234 it's a group of 3= 1 item. So with the phone number you are only remembering 3 items. See?

I have to finish my paper thingy cuz it's due this week. I also have to have a list of minerals memorized using a method my group picked out... We have to use the same method and we have to have all of them memorized. I think by Tuesday? I have been procrastinating...

I have a feeling this week will be busy. I work pretty much every other day, I have school Monday-Thursday, and I have a few other things I have to do outside of school. Busy, busy, busy.