Friday, May 27, 2011

work is hectic

I hate mornings. I am so slow to do anything in the morning.

I have worked every day this week. Today was the first day I actually got a break. I have had to be there by 8:30 and have stayed til about 3 most days. I will have to stay til 5 tomorrow, then we (the boys mostly) will play zombies at boyfriend's. I will probably fall asleep on the couch or go take over his bed.... Hmmmmm.....

That's what happened last Saturday.

I have also decided I really Don't Like UTA. They are obnoxious! They keep temporarily discontinuing stops I need. They changed the times on me the other day and didn't even change the schedule online til a few days later. 2 days in a row I waited at the stop for about 45 minutes for a bus that is supposed to come every 15. I had to call for a ride so I wouldn't be an hour or more late for work. One of the temporarily discontinued stops say that the 35max bus will not stop there, but to either walk to the mall or to catch the 35 bus. Now doesn't that sound like the 35 will stop there but the 35max will not?? The stupid driver gave me a lecture how he's not supposed to stop there and blah blah blah... So why did he if he can't???? Idiot!

I would have to walk up past redwood road for the next bus stop, which is the opposite direction. There is a stop before redwood, but there is construction everywhere on 3500 south by Decker Lake Dr. that the sidewalks are all torn up and blocked off and you can't walk there. How am i supposed to get to a bus stop if I can't use the sidewalk?

My PF has been acting up because I have been walking so much and mostly because I have been running around all over the place at work. My knees kept popping the other day. :(

I was getting very angry the other day when we had a huge group of kids come in. I had to repeat myself 150 times (not an exaggeration), I felt like I was going hoarse, I didn't feel very good (knees/legs & stomach), and I had no energy.

The last few days I took an energy drink with me. Today was very slow so I didn't drink one. By the time I got off work I had a huge headache from the caffeine withdraws. :(

It also figures that today was pretty slow and easy & we had extra help. The last few days were super busy and crazy and the girl that was supposed to come help us kept flaking. One day she forgot, the next she couldn't get a baby sitter, the next she had taken work off from her department so she thought she didn't have to come help us (and not tell us). Another day her dad was in the hospital. Today & yesterday we had a different girl help us. The only problem we had with her was that she decided to go on break today and not tell us. She told one of the other employees who said it was "ok" but she didn't.... She really needed to tell one of us managers. Gah! At least it wasn't too busy, right? I don't know how the party department does their thing, but we don't do it that way obviously.

We also have parties next week.... blargh! It will be just as crazy.

I will be happy when these groups are done. And I don't have to be there for 8 hours with no break because it's way too busy to lose anyone's help.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Very Short Post

Oh boyfriend. He's so cute! (He loves when I say that, donchaknow?) We decided that we can push it off a few months (plus Dad said he would schedule the building out farther for weddings). Boyfriend also told me that he just wanted to mess with me. Boys love to do that for some reason. At least he's being a bit more helpful than "whatever is ok with me." :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I work every day next week! I am not looking forward to Monday where I will be there all day. I mean all day. From 8:30am to 9:30pm. On the plus side.... more hours=more $$$ for wedding/car/etc!

Boyfriend is still doing the "do whatever and it is fine with me" thing.... but that is not the helpful I wanted. I want input! At least I will have Pinkie & Kim & Mom to help me decide, right?! If anyone else wants to help with my cause.... that would be lovely! Haha

You know, Grandma and Bexie were saying October would be a good time, but we just scheduled the building the other day... and there will be school and stuff to work around. We were going to do it in September until I told boyfriend that Jessie is getting married the day before the one we were thinking. So he decided it was a no-go.

Pushing it off a few months would be nice, but I also kinda wanna get it over with. I know the longer I have the more stuff I will find that have to be just so, or I will want to change things or whatever else. It's fun, but rather stressing to plan and decide. I'm glad we're doing it easy. I couldn't imagine inviting 300+ people, getting really expensive stuff, really elaborate decorations, AND planning out exactly where everyone is going to sit and what they will eat. That is more stress than I really want. Plus boyfriend wants it super easy, but I want a reception and I don't want to run down to Vegas or something... haha

I still have to figure out when I can do lunches with people next week! Also, when I'm meeting up with Kim & Pinkie...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lookin Like...

From what it's looking like, we will have to go with July 16th (or the 9th but this would give us an extra week). That seems to be the only day that is really open for where we want to do it. That gives us about 2 months to get everything finished! I guess it's not as bad as that girl on Bridezillas that only had 3 weeks to plan because they were dumb and picked very very close!

I think there are only a few things we really need to decide on (and boyfriend is not being very helpful because he keeps telling me to pick/plan stuff and he will be ok on whatever. I want his input dagnabit! Our colors are midnight blue (his favorite color), burgandy (my favorite color) and we are throwing a light silver in there so it's not so dark. (^_^)

It almost looks patriotic. haha...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

skool an' stuff

Today was the day. What, do you ask, is this the day for?!
Well, my fine furry (or non-furry, as the case may very well be) friends... The day my last bits of homework were due!!

Anything I had not turned in for psychology was due by midnight (which happens to be 13 minutes ago), so she better have received everything I sent her via email. I sent it to her AND put it in my ePortfolio which is linked to my school page. If she didn't get it, it is not my fault. Ha!
Yesterday was my chemistry final, and I *hopehopehope* that I passed the stupid class. The last time I took it, it was so very difficult to follow the professor. He is sooo ADHD that he was bouncing off the walls. By the nearly end of the semester I was tuning him out when I went to class. Bad. I know. But you would totally understand if you went to that class. Not only was he uber hard to follow on his adventurings of random thought and tangents, he reminded me of a emo/skater Spock. o_O And he was like 50 years old. And from New Orleans. (I say Spock because he totally has the Vulcan haircut and black hair.) Don't get me wrong. He was nice. It was just so hard to pay attention in class when he starts talking about "making sure that when you buy a house, you get it checked for meth or other drugs" or talking about some book/movie that he really really likes. He also really likes dirtbiking or something like that. Heaven forbid you get him off subject. If he was actually talking about class material, chances are he will do it himself. You really want to get as much actual class time during class as humanly possible for him....
And then there's the lab professor I had. She had a very thick Spanish accent. There were even a few chemistry terms she didn't know how to say in English. So she would say them in Spanish and hope someone in the class could translate for her. :@

I was shocked when I got an A in her class. We never knew when things were due either.

So back to what I was saying. . . The professor I had this time around was much better! She made sure the class understood before moving on to the next topic. The only problem I had was that class got cancelled SO. MUCH. this semester. Both chem AND psychology were cancelled a ton! Either the professor was sick, or their kid was sick, or something came up (with the chem prof. it was usually her other job had something come up (like the judge ordered a court thing at the same time as class...) or her kid/she was sick). I think psyc she was sick a lot.

That reminds me of my dental assisting class. Carma was sick a lot or had things come up, like they thought her dad was going to die like 4 times, so she went out of state to see him. (The last time this happened he really did, though.)
Maybe that was getting me ready for professors that do that, too?? Hmmmmmm.....


So boyfriend gets to go in on the 16th to get his lipomas taken out. Doesn't that sound like SO much fun?! Haha... so I think I will ask for that day off work so I can go up with him. Plus, he wants me with him.

Also, for those of you that don't know (cuz I haven't really talked about it a whole lot) boyfriend has become to fiancée, but it sounds funny to call him that. I still call him boyfriend. It's like a nickname... haha :)

(he got a moonstone instead of a diamond, so it wouldn't be typical, but still be pretty for a temporary... until we get the actual rings)

We just haven't decided on when, yet.
We will get everything decided on eventually. :)