Tuesday, May 3, 2011

skool an' stuff

Today was the day. What, do you ask, is this the day for?!
Well, my fine furry (or non-furry, as the case may very well be) friends... The day my last bits of homework were due!!

Anything I had not turned in for psychology was due by midnight (which happens to be 13 minutes ago), so she better have received everything I sent her via email. I sent it to her AND put it in my ePortfolio which is linked to my school page. If she didn't get it, it is not my fault. Ha!
Yesterday was my chemistry final, and I *hopehopehope* that I passed the stupid class. The last time I took it, it was so very difficult to follow the professor. He is sooo ADHD that he was bouncing off the walls. By the nearly end of the semester I was tuning him out when I went to class. Bad. I know. But you would totally understand if you went to that class. Not only was he uber hard to follow on his adventurings of random thought and tangents, he reminded me of a emo/skater Spock. o_O And he was like 50 years old. And from New Orleans. (I say Spock because he totally has the Vulcan haircut and black hair.) Don't get me wrong. He was nice. It was just so hard to pay attention in class when he starts talking about "making sure that when you buy a house, you get it checked for meth or other drugs" or talking about some book/movie that he really really likes. He also really likes dirtbiking or something like that. Heaven forbid you get him off subject. If he was actually talking about class material, chances are he will do it himself. You really want to get as much actual class time during class as humanly possible for him....
And then there's the lab professor I had. She had a very thick Spanish accent. There were even a few chemistry terms she didn't know how to say in English. So she would say them in Spanish and hope someone in the class could translate for her. :@

I was shocked when I got an A in her class. We never knew when things were due either.

So back to what I was saying. . . The professor I had this time around was much better! She made sure the class understood before moving on to the next topic. The only problem I had was that class got cancelled SO. MUCH. this semester. Both chem AND psychology were cancelled a ton! Either the professor was sick, or their kid was sick, or something came up (with the chem prof. it was usually her other job had something come up (like the judge ordered a court thing at the same time as class...) or her kid/she was sick). I think psyc she was sick a lot.

That reminds me of my dental assisting class. Carma was sick a lot or had things come up, like they thought her dad was going to die like 4 times, so she went out of state to see him. (The last time this happened he really did, though.)
Maybe that was getting me ready for professors that do that, too?? Hmmmmmm.....


So boyfriend gets to go in on the 16th to get his lipomas taken out. Doesn't that sound like SO much fun?! Haha... so I think I will ask for that day off work so I can go up with him. Plus, he wants me with him.

Also, for those of you that don't know (cuz I haven't really talked about it a whole lot) boyfriend has become to fiancée, but it sounds funny to call him that. I still call him boyfriend. It's like a nickname... haha :)

(he got a moonstone instead of a diamond, so it wouldn't be typical, but still be pretty for a temporary... until we get the actual rings)

We just haven't decided on when, yet.
We will get everything decided on eventually. :)


irish said...

Glad your school year is over. What are you taking next year? I think your moonstone ring is beautiful. I wish you and Zac lots and lots of happiness. This is our 51 year of marriage and it has been great--Larry still treats me like a queen. He's such a wonderful guy. Love you lots and lots.

M3@9@N said...

next semester i'm probably gonna take micro biology and sociology.... but i haven't decided yet & i still need to do my FAFSA and stuff O.O

gotta get crackin!!

and thanks grandma! you 2 are soooo cute together! xoxo