Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lookin Like...

From what it's looking like, we will have to go with July 16th (or the 9th but this would give us an extra week). That seems to be the only day that is really open for where we want to do it. That gives us about 2 months to get everything finished! I guess it's not as bad as that girl on Bridezillas that only had 3 weeks to plan because they were dumb and picked very very close!

I think there are only a few things we really need to decide on (and boyfriend is not being very helpful because he keeps telling me to pick/plan stuff and he will be ok on whatever. I want his input dagnabit! Our colors are midnight blue (his favorite color), burgandy (my favorite color) and we are throwing a light silver in there so it's not so dark. (^_^)

It almost looks patriotic. haha...


irish said...

We got married on July 1 and it was so hot--my boss said, if you can stand to get that close to someone in this heat it must be true love (104 in the shade. I would opt for my favorite month--October--the first or middle part. It is the most beautiful month of the year. Golden leaves, beautiful weather--lovely harvest food. Love you lots

Bekah, Cameron, and Cayden said...

Congrats! Andy is getting married on July 8 in Illinois. July will sure be a busy month won't it?

Beckle the Freckle said...

Sweetie, if you end up getting married in July I can't make your cake. :( I like Grandma's idea of a fall wedding. It's so pretty with the fall leaves, it's not as hot and everything isn't booked solid!

M3@9@N said...

October would be great... but I will be in school and I don't know if there are any openings. We were gonna do it in September, but with school... IDK. Gah...

M3@9@N said...

mom also thinks that i will need time to adjust before school starts. she had like 3 weeks and thinks it wasn't long enough for her...