Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Accident Prone

I hate how accident prone I am some days. Today I walked out of the in-laws' apartment (we were up there for the niece's birthday party. She's 3 now), walked down the steps, caught this little piece of sidewalk that was sticking up (you know how most never really line up... they rise up or down for the other part), tried to catch myself and then couldn't because I think my footing slipped on the icemelt on the cement. I ripped a bit hole in my favorite jeans. My knee has a big hole in it and already bled through 2 gauze pads. :(

I bet I'm going to have a scar from this. I scraped my hand a tiny bit but other than it stings, it looks fine. I also bruised my right knee. It was a kind of dark bruise at first but after about an hour it wasn't so dark.

Hubby is babying me now. He doesn't want me to walk around on it too much right now. He's sweet. :)

In other news, we have all our Christmas shopping done. We had it done a while ago. We are just waiting for Sunday. I am also almost done with my Tardis bag. I want to sew a liner for it. I have crochet'd a lot lately. I think I'm almost done with that for a while, too. Grandpa gave me a sewing machine (very excited!!) but the eye of the needle had broken off, so we had to go buy new ones. Luckily it wasn't some weird random size and we found the needles pretty easy. I can sew again! :)

Ok. Even though I don't work tomorrow, I am getting tired. SO.... I'm going to head to bed. Ta-tah!

1 comment:

irish said...

Oh dear, I hope you are feeling better from your fall. I was just sure you were going ice skating this year, but I figured you would go on ice skates at a rink or pond. Take care of yourself. See you saturday. love you