Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I just put up a new header today! What do you think? :]
I like that it's colorful...

I want to post some pictures so bad! I've made so much stuff and would love to share it.  Problem is, I don't want certain people to see certain things. (i.e. the people that will be receiving the items I would be posting pictures of.)

I've got a whole bag of stuff that's been made and I've checked off most off my "to make" list.  I just have a few that I'm still trying to figure out what to make. If you have any awesome ideas, send them my way. (I've been crocheting mostly. Done a few cross stitches. Haven't really sewn anything.)

I have been thinking about tweaking the pattern I made for Jo's slippers and then maybe posting the pattern. We will see.  

I was looking at my really ooooold posts. I've had this blog since 2007! Wow. I've been thinking about pruning this blog or starting another that is just about crafting... I might end up doing the latter. Probably easier. I would have to come up with a new name and stuff. I kinda like the one I have. Hmm... what to do, what to do. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Crochet Your Socks Off!

I'm so close to being finished with making stuff for everyone. The only ones I have left are the more difficult people. People that I'm not really sure what to make them or what they like. . . or I don't want to get them the same thing they always get. . . or they like things that are hard to find/make.  I'll figure it out. I have a few months left!

Link to Pattern for booties on the left.
Link to Pattern for booties on the right.
They are both on Ravelry.com.
You might need to sign up to get the patterns.
It's free to do so, don't worry!
I also made some booties for my aunt.  She's strapped on time (working full time, going to school, etc.) and didn't have any left to whip some up.  She wanted them for a friend's baby shower. I made the smaller ones first and thought they might be too small, then made the bigger ones. She tried the little ones on her newest grandbaby and there was still wiggle room! 

I had tried out a pattern a few months ago (the one for the smaller ones) but with a bigger hook, so they ended up about the size of the converse looking ones above. My littlest niece fit in them and liked them a lot. Next thing I know, the other two want some slippers! Haha.  I ended up tracing their feet to get a general idea on size (since I won't be around them that much) and tried to get some the right size. I ended up coming up with my own pattern. I'm probably going to keep messing around with variations of that for the oldest one. This is what I came up with for the middle child....

I'm probably going to put some kind of flower on the toe.  It's not very big... maybe a size 1 in toddler sizes. I'll probably post up the pattern later. She chose a bunch of wild colors, but kept comping back to mostly just pink and yellow. The oldest one I'll do in some multicolored yarn. 

Of course, this is all going to happen after I'm done with the handmade Christmas stuff. If you want to see the blankets I made the nieces, look at one of the older posts.  The pictures are there.