Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Dealership Boredom

I'm almost afraid to go in there again...
I got my car last week and every time I've gone into the dealership, I've ended up sitting there for at least 3 hours. What is up with that?

Today it was to get the things fixed that they said they would fix (ie the front left low beam, the 3rd break light and the latch on the hood).

I got there probably around 1:30.  I left at almost 5:20. Of course, my phone died and my charger was in the car..and I didn't have a wall charger with me. Just the car charger. I had some yarn with me... in the car. Stupid me thought it wouldn't take more than an hour. Boy, was I wrong!

I watched some Leonard Nimoy/Zachary Quinto associated stuffs.  If you haven't seen the commercial and you are even slightly geeky, you absolutely must watch this ad! I laugh every time.

I'm pretty sure the thing that took the longest was the break light.  So many people came and went while I sat there dying from boredom.  When they finally came to get me they told me that it wasn't just that the bulbs had died. They had to replace the whole light fixture thingy. Being it was a Honda dealership and I got a Chevrolet (used car, baby!) they had to go get the parts. At least the parts were only down the street a little.

This is how I wasted my day. There were things I would have liked to have done. I'm glad it was nothing important. We were going to go on Monday, but hubby's toothache took priority.

He was using oragel and this close to what I'm sure woulda/coulda ended up an overdose on ibuprophen. He has this problem where his body doesn't respond to pain meds, and if it does he has to take a lot or really strong medicine.

When he called them, the soonest they could get him in was 2 weeks from today. However, somebody cancelled so he got in that day! Yay!

When they shot him up so they could give him a root canal they had to give him about 4 shots. The assistant told him that he was eating through the numbing stuff like it was candy. They couldn't finish the procedure because the nerve was "too hot" and got far enough to close him up. They gave him lots of antibiotics and pain meds and scheduled him to come in again in 2 weeks. Hopefully, the infection and stuff will be all healed up by then and they can finish him.

Poor guy. He has problems (like his shoulder is messed up... 4 shoulder surgeries can do that) but pain meds don't do crap for him. He takes them, but it doesn't ease very much --if any-- of the pain.  :(

He said that the stuff they gave him this time actually seems to be working!  Although, it makes him sleepy and he loses his appetite.

Well, that is my week thus far. How is your's?

Meagan <3 p="">


irish said...

I hope your week is going uphill now. You have done all of the downhill stuff. Glad Zac got into the dentist and is on the road to healing.
Hope your car is all fixed and is okay for maaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnny years to come. Lots of love

M3@9@N said...

thanks. I hope so too