Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sore Sunday

Yesterday was really fun. Hubby and I spent the weekend with his family. We played paintball (which is fun, but you get sore really quick. I have a lovely bruise on my thigh from one shot.). Then we went to lunch and I got to meet hubby's sibling's grandparents (still his grandparents, i suppose. just not biologically).

We went and walked around the mall and I got a lovely paint-splatter lanyard which I will be putting my work badge on.

I got a pedicure, which was great! I should do it more often...Mmmm.... 0:)

Today, I had a very hard time walking. Thighs are sooo sore!  I went and soaked for a bit. It helped a little but doing anything makes my legs die a little more. Funny thing is, it's just my quads. Hamstrings are fine. It's probably because I was squatting behind cover most of the time. Not much stretching of the hammis...

We then ran around with my nieces at the little park at my in-law's apartment complex.
They had fun, but it didn't do much for us older people. I'm not even that old and I have no energy! Gah!

All this soreness just proves that I am horrible and need to exercise more!  My arms hurt, but not as much. Probably because I don't need to use them as much.

What fun and exciting things did you do this weekend?


(PS  go check out the other blog/soc medias!)


irish said...

Did you make your bread yet or are you waiting until you can walk better?

M3@9@N said...

I didn't make any bread. I might see about getting the spare bread maker my parents have... if they still have it?

irish said...

Bread is more fun to make the old fashioned way. Just mix it up. Take your frustrations out by kneading and banging it around. Lots of fun. I personally think bread makers are the pits. Juts my opinion.