Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Rantings & Ravings: High School vs. Jr. High.

Some people are great! And then there are those that are so immature that they're impossible! I wish that I didn't have to try to deal with those people every day. I guess that I just try to ignore them. Don't we all? The sad thing, it's the "popular kids," and that can get pretty lame. They're also the ones who don't give a flying turd what everyone else thinks or are trying to do.

It's sad how typical high school really is at times. Then, there are the parts that I love, love, love about it. Mostly, I get to see some of my friends that I wouldn't get to see otherwise.

I think that jr. high had more drama than high school has so far. There is the exception of more people worry about "going out", and actually going to dances, not those lame ones they have at the jr. high. My favorite part are all the lovely slow dances...ick, especially when there's nobody that you like.

It's also less embarassing who you like, it doesn't really matter. In jr. high, the other kids (when they find out who you like) tease you and say stuff like "ewww. . you like him ?!" It's so dumb.

I think another plus about being out of jr. high, is that at my high school we don't have a uniform. . er, dress code. We can wear just about anything we want to. At that jr. high, just about everything (to them) was gang related or not appropriate. Like flip flops were considered in appropriate. . I can kinda see where that comes from, though. Open toes and germs raiding the floors, I don't really want to get athlete's foot. Gross. . !
But this year I didn't have to go into the gym locker rooms that often. So I don't think it's very likely that I'm gonna get that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.