Monday, April 2, 2007

~wHaT a DaY~

Hello dearest readers and fellow bloggers!!

Today was a great day (if you exclude my first class of the day, and my last class was kinda bore-ish too, hmm). It was fun, exciting, and within itself a blast. . if you can call school a blast. I have felt energetic and happy and like the world doesn't hate me (I hate the days where you feel like crap)!!! It's great!

I'm on the very lovely, very sought to, and (of course) the very delectable SPRING BREAK!! My teach was trying to figure out a way to say it without saying spring, or something to do with Christ. She came up with something like 'bunny day' or something. Yes, it's extremely creative on her part. Let's all start calling St. Patty's Day "Shamrock Day" or something, I'm sure everyone will know that one. There are endless posabilities of saying holidays in new, "creative" ways, I'm sure. . but let's not bore you with that.

I'm thinking about applying for a job. I'm thinking DQ, WD, or something. There is one thing.. it has to be close! I'm not gonna get another job where I only work one day a week, and you have to drive 1/2 a freakin' hour to get there. Anyway, I think it would be fun to work at an ice cream place! Whatdya think? I do have my food handler's permit, I might as well get some use out of it.

About my profile, it probably sounds like I'm, like, in love with chick-flicks or something. I am here to tell you, not so. I actually don't watch chick-flicks that much. Some of them are kinda good though!


Here's my lovely list of 1O1 things about me!
1 I listen to music all the time. Just about anything I'm doing, I'm listening to music.
2 I love dogs.
3 I have auburn hair and blue eyes.
4 I stand about 5'6".
5 My favorite season is Spring.
6 I Y guys!
7 I'm LDS (aka mormon). Being mormon isn't a bad thing..ok!?
8 I'm creative.
9 I like to work with my hands. (sewing, drawing, building, sports...)
10 I have had 5 pets of my very own..2 goldfish (pretty & francis), 2 guppies (fred & frieda, i think), and 1 betta (gary).
11 I like to give nicknames!
12 I've been around dogs & Kailien, probably, a little too much.
13 I love dark colors or bright/light colors, depending on my mood.
14 I wear a lot of black, blue, green, red, and white.
15 I have a lot of pet peeves.
16 I have a love/hate relationship with everything.
17 I'm not as squeemish as most.
18 I hate, hate, hate, HATE, break outs, leaks, and bad hair days!
19 I'm not a very picky eatter.
20 I'm the oldest of 4.
21 I'm mostly European, but 100% American! :P
22 I'm not Asian or African.
23 I think Donny Osmond & James Blunt suck.
24 As far as I've figured out, my type is tall, dark, and has a sence of humor. Oh, yeah, he can't be a complete idiot either.
25 Homestar Runner & Strongbad are my heros!
26 I think it's gross when people feed thier pet off of thier eating utensil, then eat off it right after that. Eewww!
27 I like historical/fiction and fantasy novels.
28 Shopping is fun when you have $$$ and can find things that fit.
29 I've never been outside the US.
30 I've only been to Oregon, Wyoming, Idaho, and Utah.
31 It's kinda hard for me to take compliments, but I'm getting better at it.
32 I don't like it when racial-supermacy groups think that they have to use violence to make a point, or try to take the law into thier own hands.
33 I thinks it's funny what some people think about other religions or think the religion believes in, when they really have no idea.
34 My hands are always cold lately, I don't know why.
35 My favorite teachers have been the ones that are strange and easy to get along with.
36 I hate when people act like they are PMSing 24/7. They put me in a bad mood.
37 I sing a lot. Usually changing the words of songs, out of tune (on purpose), or whatever pops into my head.
38 I want to learn Gaelic.
39 When I get mad, I act like I'm strangling the air. I'm not going to go up to somebody and start choking them when I'm mad at them /mad at something.
40 I like to dance, though I'm not that good at it.
41 I like wierd flowers. Like bleeding hearts, snapdrangons, etc.
42 I like the smell of fruit (strawberries, raspberries, kiwi, etc.)
43 I've lived in Utah my whole life.
44 I've attended 3 different elementary schools, 1 jr. high, & 1 high school.
45 I can play a few instraments, but I'm not very good at those either. At least I try, right?
46 I have 2 brothers & 1 sister (in that order).
47 I have my fair share of deep dark secrets.
48 When I was little, my favorite animals were monkeys & turkeys.
49 I've been told I look like the Disney character Anistasia.
50 I don't play video games very much. I guess I just leave that to my brothers.
51 I like to take pictures, it just takes me for forever to get them developed.
52 I don't know what "click" my group of friends (at school) would be classified as.
53 I love when people have accents! It's sooo cool to hear them talk. Especially the Scotish ones!
54 My "comfy clothes" are pants (jeans or pj pants)/capris and tee shirts.
55 I hate getting shots. :(
56 I like the dentist more than the doctor.
57 I wasn't like most little kids. (I liked the dentist, not the doc. ~ I loved veggies, esp. broccoli! and many other things I'm sure.)
58 I'm not a morning person.
59 I don't like to draw too much attention to myself, but I don't like beeing ignored.
60 I'm right eye dominant.
61 I'm right handed.
62 I've only met 2 of my great-grandparents. All the others ones died before I was born.
63 I don't tolerate pain well.
64 I'm not very trusting at first.
65 Eyeliner is one of my lifesavers. Without it, I look out of it, and wierd.
66 I'm never good with first impressions. If I think someones a total jerk from meeting them for 5 seconds, I usually end up liking them later.
67 I don't exactly believe in love-at-first-sight. I do believe in huge crushes that make you think you are in love with that person, but you could be wrong.
68 I can be shy at times. Unless I know I'm never going to see any of those people again, or I really don't want to end up the only person I know (like in a certain class).
69 I'm kinda bad at oral reports. I'm working on it though, and all my teachers are making sure of it. :(
70 I burn easy. I don't really tan.
71 When I get mad, embarrassed, sick, sunburned, I get red in the face. All my friends make sure I know it, too.
72 I hate when people are really mean and abusive to small kids. What did they do to deserve that?!
73 I don't like the taste or smell of coffee.
74 I don't like the smell or effects of drugs.
75 I can be a little naive, and I have my blonde moments.
76 I love, love, love, love, love, my family! They're so funny.
77 I plan on going to college. . but I'm not sure which one yet. . or what to major in. . I've go ta few years to figure that out, though.
78 I love to add my own personal touch to things like bags, clothes, cds, etc.
79 I'm a pretty good dessert chef (cake, cookies, pie, etc.) if I do say so myself. I've still got a lot to learn, though.
80 I like the weird words like onomonopia and innuendo. They're so fun to say!
81 I have "words of the month" that I'll use all the time for a week or so. 'Month' in this case doesn't mean a period of 30 or 31 days. It's X amount of days that I don't always stick to. :D
82 My first name means either 'great' or 'pearl'.
83 My middle name means 'ruler of the people'. . heh, I'm getting better at public speaking, still not the best.
84 My last name means 'grows green' or 'a grove of alder trees'.
85 I don't like anchovies, cooked mushrooms, pineapple on pizza, really really spicy food, food that is so greasy that it coats your mouth and throat, and a few other things.
86 I like some history stuff, some of the stories are so cool. (I know i probably sound like a total geek or something, I don't really care.)
87 I am more energetic later in the day.
88 I'm not the world's greatest multi-tasker.
89 My favorite books of the moment: An Accquaintance With Darkness by Ann Rinaldi and The Dark Garden by Margaret Buffie.
90 One of my favorite classes this year was social dance.
91 I took highland dance classes for about a year, then I hurt my ankle and quit. I learned 3 dances, but only remember 2 of them.
92 Last year one of my bestest buddies and I would draw notes to each other. They were like comic book pages, only the characters said what we wanted to say to the other person. I miss that, it was awsome. Some people would stare, or ask what the heck we were doin'. We just told them it was a note. They thought that was cool.
93 At times, I wish life were more like the movies.
94 I'm not a narcissist, or very self-centered.
95 Sometimes I feel so small next to people that have done so much and accomplished so much. Sometimes I think that I haven't done anything worth while, and I hate it.
96 I try to see things from more than one (my) point of view, but sometimes it's impossible!
97 I loathe people that seem perfect.
98 Halloween is (probably) my favorite holiday.
99 I'm still kinda scared of Dracula's Castle. It's very sad.
100 I hate when other people expect you to be perfect.
101 I hate wearing wet clothes, especially jeans.

Wow!! I actually (finally) came up with the list about me! Huh. . I hope I didn't repeat anything. ; )


I'm going to a friend's b-day party tomorrow. I haven't seen Pinky in forever! She's soo fun/funny.

Oooh, I'm also FINALLY done filling out my ACT registration form!! Yay! Now I need to study and stuff... I think I'm taking it in June. I just hope that I don't forget anything important.. :D

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