Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Alright!! I FINALLY got the stupid classes all registered for! :@ I didn't get the biology one I originally wanted, but I guess I get to go with anatomy.... Yay.... *rme*

What, you might ask, am I doing awake at this time in the morning? It's quite simple, really. Listening to MJ, writing in my blog... the real REASON for my still being up is that I just got my classes all registered for!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lucky little me had to wait til now to register cuz I don't have as many credit hours as the (asumingly) many other SLCC students... my "peers." They got to sign up earlier if they had more credits.... so what I was originally going to take were already gone when I checked at around 9pm today/yesterday... whatever you wanna call it. Considering I haven't slept yet, I'm going to say tonight. :)

I still have a takehome test and stuff to do. I'm going to go catch a few Zs.... or try to. (they can run surprisingly fast! it's crazy considering they don't have legs or anything.... they're not even among the living and they can do a pretty swell job of it. elusive Zs.... I curse you! at least tonight... any other night, it's just fine. that is, if it's not all hot and humid. those nights I can't seem to catch the little buggers either.)

Well.... I bid a a bitter sweet adeu? hmmm..... :\ Good night!! t(^-^t)

(ps... did any of you catch the title? :P it's the name of the weird bat thing that wants to kill arthur cuz he's always there when the reincarnation of him dies!! bwahahaha!!!! ahh... hitchhiker's humor! ....or something like it.)

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