Saturday, December 12, 2009

bleh... finals :'(

so i think i got most (if not all) my christmas shopping done today. yay! :)

now to study for the finals, get my room cleaned, help put up the tree, and wrap everything!
can it be done already? (i think i'm dreading the finals the most) :\ i would like it to be wednesday night or thursday... that would be nice... that would mean my bio final was over and done with.... :D


irish said...

good luck on your finals!! you have a cute new picture on tagged which i have no idea how to operate. you'll have to show me. did your mother get the email i sent her about her latest writing assignment. you have certainly been busy. keep up all your good work. love you lots and lots.

irish said...

i remember finals from my good old days at BYU. way back in the 1950's when BYU was mostly a bunch of army barracks and a half dozen big old buildings. don't know if any of them are there anymore. if was even different when your mom went their in the 1980's. love again

heidi said...

Yay! You're done with all your finals now!