Saturday, March 27, 2010

People Suck

I hate people.

I hate stupid people. I hate inconsiderate people. I hate people that can't drive. I hate people that are ridiculously picky and/or can't make up their friggin mind. I hate people that piss me off. I hate people that jack your sh*t. I hate people that are never satisfied. I hate people that fling the racist card and try to shove it down your throat. I hate people that are totally hypocritical. I hate people that are self-righteous.

People Suck.

I know I'm not perfect. I'm not saying that I want everybody else to be or to think that I am perfect. There are people I love dearly that are picky, or piss me off. BUT they know better than to be too annoying or try to piss me off when I'm already in a bad friggin mood.

I'm already having a bad day and this stupid kid at work tells me I'm racist because I won't give him sh*t for free. "Oh, It's cuz I'm black!" WHY IS THE WHITE PERSON ALWAYS THE RACIST PERSON?!

You know, They forget that Scots and Irish and Polish and Danish and all those people were treated badly too. Most indentured servants were WHITE people who were treated very badly by their masters. Irish were treated badly by the English. Also take a look at the way the Egyptians treated the Israelites! Slavery!

I swear there are more racist BROWN people than there are WHITE racist people. >:[

Why is it ok to go around proclaiming Polynesian Pride, or Black Pride, or Indian Pride or whatever the h3ll else you want to claim. BUT the minute you say White Pride, you are RACIST and usually associated with the KKK. I'm NOT RACIST!

People need to get over themselves. They shouldn't toss out the racist card just because something isn't the way THEY want it. So friggin what?! You can't expect everything to be handed to you! >:[

People suck.

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