Saturday, June 26, 2010

La Luna

It was very nice and pretty and cool outside last night (unlike tonight), and the moon was very pretty. I decided to take pictures of it.

Some turned out really cool. I tried lots of different settings. Some were really hard to get any good pictures in, because you either need a tripod (which I don't...not a big/good one anyway) or you have to stand REALLY STILL. That wouldn't have been much of a problem, except for the small, itsy-bitsy, tiny fact that I had hiccups.

So some turned out very fuzzy (look on FB to see what I mean... I posted a few).

Thor was funny. He was wandering the backyard and when he heard a rather loud noise he ran over and hid behind me... He looked around for a minute until he decided it was safe to stray, and wander around the yard again.

Same thing happened when he heard a siren. (It was rather quiet for a fire engine, but I think it was pretty far away.)

We went to Westfest today for a little bit. Mostly because Cameron & Jarom were in the parade. I got some really cute sunglasses! Mom got a hose timer, Jarom got a hat, dad got a "six pack cooler" (basically a fanny pack that is like one of those insulated lunch boxes), Cameron got a nifty brochure/packet about conserving water, and I got a golf towel (all from the Slow the Flow tent). Dad gave the cooler to Cameron.

It's kinda late and I'm getting tired. I'll talk more about it/upload pics tomorrow.... Either on here or Fb. :)

Good night!!! <3

Friday, June 18, 2010


I don't know if you know, but Kailien decided I should go out on a date with Fabio (Andy's friend) while we were at the Scottish Festival.

Also last Thanksgiving Bek and Tammie and Andy wanted me to go out with him (but I was going out with Jason--stupid boy).

So after the festival Kailien gave Fabio my number. She then proceeded to text me his and told me to call him.

Long story-short, he asked me out and I went out with him yesterday.
We went to Applebee's and talked a lot. We decided to get the dessert shots because they are just so gosh-darn cute! Lol.

Fabio told me that Andy has a theory that girls look for cars the way guys look for girls: they have to be cute! LOL. I guess it's kinda true. :P

After that we went to the planetarium to see the U2 laser show. He showed me around a little (he and Andy used to work there) and he found a few people that still work there that he knows. He thought he wouldn't know anyone there... but he did! So we talked with them for a bit.

The U2 show was SO COOL!! There were 2 songs I hadn't heard before (something about calling a blue sky & another about a fly on the wall), but I knew the other ones. I think it's been long enough since I'd heard most of them that I actually liked them again. They ended with Vertigo (which is one of my least favorites, having heard it almost every day for a few months in Jr. high in dance class...)

Fabio and Andy both LOVE U2... Aww... :D

Elevation had this dolphin with wings. It looked rather awkward. :P
We said that we have now seen a flying dolphin. I said the wings looked like they didn't really fit it. He said at least it was trying. lol.

I had lots of fun with him.

Usually he's very quiet, but he talked most of the time. He told me about Brazil and we talked about school and anything else that came to mind. :)

We listened to Sinatra and the MJ on the way back to dropping me off. (^_^)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Father's Day Is Around the Corner!

I found a very cute gift box template that I want to use for Father's Day! Being my dad doesn't really look on here, it'll still be a surprise! :)

She (domestifluff) also has another one where instead of a V cut in the flap, it's just straight across... I'm sure you can find it. Very cute ideas/pictures she has posted. :) look ----> for her blog and others :)

Now to print out the template OR try to draw it up on some cardstock. I hope it turns out ok. I want to do the tie. The bow ties are ok, but I like the longer ones more. Much cuter!

Maybe I can make one for Grandpa, too!? Fun!

And my dad says they don't do much for Father's Day anymore. HA! (He likes to say they do a lot more for Mother's Day.) Mom thinks it's just cuz he wants something to complain about. :P

(PS. Love you daddy!) xoxoxoxo

And all you other dads and dad-to-be's out there! Have a lovely Sunday! :D

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Scottish Festival!

Yesterday was sooo much fun!

I took tons of pictures. :]

it ended up raining really hard for a while shortly after we met up with mom & cameron and had lunch... it rained (almost) sideways, then stopped, and decided to start again. it wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't really windy while it was really rainy. but it was lots of fun! it didn't rain as bad as last year. :]

kudos to utah weather.

for more pics check out my facebook page! :]

Monday, June 7, 2010


I couldn't think of something to name this one so I went to wikipedia and hit random til I got one I liked. Koncheto means "the horsie" and is a mountain ridge in the Pirin Mountains in Bulgaria.

What does that have to do with this post? I will tell you. The answer is this: Nothing.

My neck is lots lots lots better! It's not all hurt-y (right now anyway).
I get to go back Wednesday for wellness (just working out in the gym with the stuff they showed me today, and then doing my thing in the pool with the walking forward & backward doing breast stroke & reverse breast stroke).

Then Friday I'm gonna see Paul again & I think that's my last day. I can go for like a month after that to keep doing wellness stuff.

I can't go on any rides (Lagoon or otherwise) until the end of July. So I'm probably gonna end up waiting until August. We don't want me to get all feel-good, then screw up my neck again with one stupid rollercoaster! D:

At least I can actually try working out again! I didn't wanna try doing something and then strain my neck...that would be BAD.
(Maybe I'll drag my mom with me to a gym! Mwahahahah!)
*love you mom!!*

I want to do more clothes decorating or jewelry making! It would be fun!
I kinda wanna get some more leggings, too. Some cute ones! :D

Yesterday we delivered invites to Grandma & Grandpa's 50th anniversary par-tay!

I was playing DDR with Dana & Emma. Dana was getting pretty good at it (I'm still not so great... but on the beginner level I was doing well!), but Emma would just dance around on the mat. It was cute. She didn't even watch the screen. She would just turn in circles and swing her arms around all ballerina-like. I guess she's too young to really understand the whole box-steps and everything.

While we watched others play (mostly Dana) we ate cake & chips. Emma didn't seem to want the cake very much (which I thought was weird!) and ended up going with cheetos.

After a little while I went upstairs & helped Becky sort the invites based on the little map they had color-coded of the neighborhood.

I went with Sheri & Emma on one of the few routes in their ward boundaries.
Emma was funny. She was telling us that we were missing part of the family. We told her that they went to take the invitations to other parts of the area. Then she saw some birds --quails & robins...maybe a starling or two. She said the birds were scared cuz they were flying away. So she started telling us about going to Gramma Tobler's and some birds that were there.

Sheri asked her about the potato bug that she was playing with the other day, that turned out to be a beetle. She said that she thought it was a potato bug and it kinda looked like one, but it was a "BEE-dol" and not really a potato bug. We found one on the sidewalk and Emma picked it up. Sheri asked if she was going to show her dad. She said "no" and dropped it back on the ground. Silly girl.

Sheri picked it back up and was going to show him. When we got back to my grandparent's house Chris wasn't back yet, so she left it outside.

Dana & I started watching the Labyrinth. I love that movie! I told Dana that I used to watch that movie all the time when I was her age. I told her that my best friend and I were totaly in love with David Bowie. She looked at me with one of her "you're weird" looks... when she scrunches up her face at you.

David came down stairs and I told him that all you need is a blond rocker wig, a puffy white shirt and the vest and you could be the Goblin King. He laughed and covered his face with his hands. He said that he wouldn't want to wear the tights. LOL. :D

Ahh... David Bowie! Isn't he just....lovely?! (^_^)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Woo-Hoo. . . Excitement

I really wish this whole car accident thing was over!
I want my neck to be better.
I want the insurance thing to be finished.
I would love to stop telling the same story over and over and over and over and over...
It's like they want to catch me in a lie!
I swear! What I said the first TEN TIMES is what happened!

Ugh. I think this time it's about my neck being hurt and medical stuffs...
Like what plan I can use?

We have new neighbors. They're all moved in now.
...I wonder how long they'll last there. I think since Donovan & his family have moved out, the longest someone has been there is about a year.

Maybe it's haunted.

I got up this morning and everyone was gone. Gone.
I thought that Dad would be here...
He went to the temple with the Bishop....well. The prior bishop.

While I've been up I've gotten 2 calls from insurance people about the car thing. One I missed (she called my cell and when I went to answer it, it stopped ringing) and she left a message. She's the one about the medical thing. A guy called and wanted to talk to my mom about the Crown. So I guess he's gonna call her at work.

I should call her back. I think I will after I'm done icing my neck and taking my drugs. Woo-hoo.... More talking about complicated things! I'm loving it! (-_- ) not.

Bleh. I think other than calling Liz back, all I have to do today is go to work. Whooo.....

Amber and I made headbands last night. My mom wanted to get her some so her bangs are out of her eyes. She's growing them out. So we looked at the store & found some cute ones, but I could totally make them for less! So I found some material that in the scrap material bin (at Wally World!) that's cute. It's black with these almost pin-stripes. I say almost because they are dashed lines- - - - :)

$0.50 for that. Got some elastic. I had Amber pick from some of the material we have. She picked the black pin-stripey one. We each made a headband from that. I had her sew her's. I only helped her a little bit. She had to iron it and stuff. I showed her on mine, then had her do it on her's.

They turned out pretty cute. :)


Amber modeling her's.